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GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 2 USA

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positive and strong over the last few years. Now that we understand how GDP is defined and measured, it is time to consider where do we go from here?
Topic: GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
It has been an unprecedented period of time here in the United States, as our GDP has been positive and strong over the last few years. Now that we understand how GDP is defined and measured, it is time to consider where do we go from here?
There are those who claim growth will result in the acceleration of climate change, and yet others claim this growth improves the standards of living and will spread around the world improving life for many.
Assignment: Discussion Paper, minimum 3 pages to answer the following;
Are we being realistic to think this growth is sustainable? Do you feel it is right to want to continue this growth or is a slowing down (controlled) of the GDP more appropriate? Do we have a social responsibility to slow our economy down?
Use 2 outside sources to support your thinking, and explain what you feel is the right decision.
simple words!!!!!!

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Gross Domestic Product
The United States has failed in the growth of sustainable development. Although the state is one of the wealthiest nations globally, the economic growth achieved is not ideal for the wellbeing of the citizens in the country. The Gross Domestic Product of the nation majors on the profits realized and ignores the costs involved (Sachs et al.). Most of the processes leading to the success of the nation have resulted in environmental pollution. Environmental depletion puts the lives of the people, animals, and plants in danger. In this case, the population is not even healthy enough to enjoy the achievements attained. The economic growth of the country resulted in the disparity between the wealthy and less fortunate individuals in the state. The GDP in this country benefits the well-established citizens with properties, while the less fortunate continue suffering in poverty. The United States should control the gross domestic product to achieve sustainable development.
An economic growth that benefits the rich people while hurting the poor individuals is not appropriate. All the activities leading to economic growth should also value the natural environment and take care of the systems supporting life. As the United States embraces positive and healthy GDP, the country should consider the impacts of the prevailing scales on everyone in the population (Sachs et al.). The best development should look at improving the poor people in society to ensure stability and uniformity in the growth achieved. All the people in the population should have the same or slightly different living standards in sustainable development. As a developed state, America has failed to have this equality. The country's richness can't receive recognition as one of the wealthiest countries globally, while some of the citizens are straining for survival.
The United States does not support the value of attaining a balanced society. The rich people at the top enjoy luxurious lives while the poor suffer terribly, even for the lack of basic needs. The low-class individuals are entangled in poverty while the rich are reaping more benefits from economic growth and development. The extension does not also look at the impacts of some processes on resources like air, soil, water, and climate (Assembly General, 2). Environmental pollution has resulted in depletions like wearing of the ozone layer, leading global warming. Such climatic conditions put all living things in the danger of diseases, whereby some of the situations might lead to death. Sustainable development looks at the impact of...
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