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Country development.Why are some countries more developed than others

Essay Instructions:

Why are some countries more developed than others? Who is responsible for changing the current situation?Some people think that as poor countries seek to develop economically, they should focus on economic results first and then worry about the environmental consequences later. The sustainable development strategy will block their economic development.  Do you agree with them?  Why?

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Country Development
Question One
A number of factors have contributed to some countries being more developed than others. They include historical, social, political, environmental and economic (Williams). However, the primary factor that has played a tremendous role in some countries being more developed than others is political stability (Williams). Some developed countries such as the United States and most of the European countries have enjoyed a long spell of political stability and have not experienced civil wars for so long now. In addition, there have been few cases of corruption in these countries and money generated from various economic activities is channeled towards development. On the contrary, most underdeveloped countries, particularly in Africa have experienced constant spells of civil wars, an act that has led to difficulties in the realization of meaningful development. Moreover, political leaders are squandering millions of dollars leaving these countries with very little to achieve significant development (Williams). Governments have a huge role to play to change the current situation to reduce the economic gap bet...
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