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Operations and Manufacturing Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

So for our project we are doing a non profit business plan that produce reusable menstrual pads for Indian girls in order to promote education. The part that I need to write is:
Operations and Manufacturing
• Describe your supply chain, if applicable.
• How will you acquire/produce your product or service?
• Describe your production method (own, outsourced), inventory and quality control, etc.
• What other resources will you need: professional, technological, etc.
So we will be using our own shipping system which will ship our pads produced in China(we will be partnering up with some Chinese factories in order to save our budget) to U.S and India. Pads that shipped to U.S will be on sale and that to India will be distributed in retail store for free.
U can write anything according to the bullets above as long as it’s logical and convincing. Thx!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Operations and Manufacturing
[First Name, Last Name]
[Institutional Affiliation]
Operations and Manufacturing
Repad’s Supply Chain
Repad’s primary supplier of the production materials will be Novia Sanitary. Novia’s location in China will guarantee expedited delivery times and exceptional after-sales services. The pads will be produced at Repad’s workshop located in Hong Kong and packaged in the same location. The package will include a sanitary pad, a 3-page booklet detailing information on menstruation and sexual reproductive health, a detergent-grade soap, and a re-sealable waterproof bag (Hammons, Lloyd & Taub, 2017).
Repad has its shipping system. However, the company will partner with COSCO and Hengan to lower its operational costs. The company will ship the sanitary pad packages in COSCO’s warehouses in India and the U.S before distribution. Hegan will help Repad distribute its sanitary pads to retail outlets in India, where Indian girls can access them for free. However, Repad will be in charge of all distributions in the US. American customers will buy the pads at a subsidized fee compared to competitor firms.
Repad’s reusable sanitary pads will be manufactured at the organization’s production facility in Hong Kong, China. The operations manager at the facility will identify natural and sustainable materials by collecting and testing various types of cloth for absorptive capability, comfort, cost, and availability (Deka, 2015). This assessment of production materials will range from cotton sheets made in China to factory remainders within Hong Kong. The operations manager will provide oversight of all processes in their initial stages. Sample sanitary pads will be in multiple densities and shapes to accommodate the diverse needs of girls in both the Indian and American markets. These products will include wider and longer patterns, standard pads and liners, and smaller ones to accommodate multiple preferences and include girls of all sizes (Hammons, Lloyd & Taub, 2017). This production manager will ensure that Repad’s sanitary pads are interchangeable for light, medium, and heavy flow days.
Production Method
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