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Creative Writing
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History of Interior Design Creative Writing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Part I:
Explain how religion, political influence, and technology affected interior design & architecture throughout history. You may give specific examples and explain how they were influenced.
Part II:
Give one specific example of a piece of furniture that was affected by religion and how religion affected the design.
Give one specific example of a piece of furniture that was affected by culture or political influence, and how the political influence affected the design.
Give one specific example of a piece of furniture that was affected by technology, and explain how technology affected the design.

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Religion, politics, and technology are factors that play a big role in how interior design and architecture for generations. The creations reflect the culture that is practiced during the time that it is built. It can even be seen in structures that are well-known all over the world such as the Parthenon and Colosseum. The architectural designs were also related for example feudalism to medieval vernacular, and the renaissance with growing capitalism and the rise of urbanized states. With religion, an example would be with Islamic art which focuses on the color schemes, while Christian art was seen especially during the renaissance, also reflected in their structures.
Religion is a huge part of a nation’s culture and is seen through the homes of people and its furniture...
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