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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Effective Career Plans to Accomplish Goals

Essay Instructions:

Create a plan that describes what you will do in order to, either; begin your desired career by a specific date. Your desired career might be getting a job, starting a company, taking over a family business or anything else. Or decide which career would be right for you by a specific date.
Word limit: Between 1000- 1500 words.
Marking criteria for "Option 2: Creating an Action Plan"
1 Vnh Mill nass if: ----------------------------------------------------------------
I A clear career goal with a —
"My goal is to begin an investment banking role by September 2021"
"My goal is to start my own business by September 2021 "My goal is to decide on a career and have an initial career plan by September 2020"
/ Between 5 and 20 specific actions / to achieve this career goal are stated.
For example: "Attend a careers fair", "Create a CV", "Talk to my auntie about careers in her industry", "Improve my English language skills by joining a society"
The actions suggested are likely to lead to achievement of the goal.
Where possible, the actions have a deadline attached to them
For example: "By January 2020 1 will create a list of 3 types of investment banking jobs 1 am interested in applying to"
The benefit of these actions is clearly explained.
For example: "By January 2020 1 will create a list of 3 types of investment banking jobs 1 am interested in applying to.
Having a short list like this will mean that 1 can recognise the right kinds of jobs when they come up. It will also allow me to create a CV that is tailored to each kind of job."
If appropriate, potential barriers/challenges have been considered and ideas for addressing them have been given
For example: "1 sometimes find it hard to make decisions. If this happens 1 will talk it over with my friends or possibly a careers consultant."

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Plan for the Career
By September 2020, my objective is to decide on a career and have an initial career plan. There are numerous job opportunities out there that I can apply for. However, I am not sure about the career path I want to pursue. At first, when I joined college, I desired to be a software engineer. I was always enthusiastic about the tech world, and I wanted to be a part of it. But, as time progressed, I came to have a different perspective of what I wanted to be in the future. I did not want to be employed for the rest of my life. So, I challenged myself to look for a career field that would benefit me in not only the future but also something which I would be passionate about.
Some job industries are worth being a part of, such as entrepreneurship, nursing, engineering, art and design, education, and fashion, among others. However, to be part and parcel of a particular career field, I ought to have a source of inspiration or motivation, which not only fascinates me about this career but also drives me to want to be a part of it. Thus, this led me to shift my focus on the career path I wanted to pursue. And instead of letting time pass by, I decided to set a deadline on a career and develop a career plan before the set deadline looms in.
Achieving career objectives can be easy, more so if one is sure of the career path they want to follow. But, if one is still undecided on what they want to be in the future, this can be a tiresome and challenging task. Nonetheless, I decided that this would not affect my verdict of what I want to be in the future. It is evident that with a concrete plan, one can achieve their goals and meet their objectives. And since my goal is to have an initial career plan before September 2020, I need to set out some objectives which can help me accomplish my career goals. Some of them are as discussed below.
Attend a careers affair
Career affairs or summits are events that are held annually to help students assess and analyze the career paths they want to pursue. Attending one or more would enlighten me of the various career opportunities that are out there, their merits, demerits, as well as the challenges or hardships involved. Additionally, being a part of such events will help me to meet prominent and successful business persons who would give me advice based on the career path I want to follow. I would also get to meet other students and people from different walks of life, which would help me build my social network.
Talk to a relative about careers in their industry
My relatives work in different job industries. Talking to them would educate me more on what their careers entail. Additionally, I would be aware of the benefits of their jobs, as well as the chall...
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