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The Discourse Of "Asian Values"

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following question, and you don't need to follow the APA format, just like write a journal. Please use the journal format. And I don't have a sample show you, if you need that, you can search it online.
Don't copy or use reference, Please describe it in your own words.
The question is:
How does the discourse of ‘Asian Values’ relate to other social, political and developmental discourses in Asia?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Asian Values The discourse of Asian values emerged into global attention out of the rise of capitalism in Southeast Asia. Since 1980, it is believed that the discourse of Asian values is related to several social, political and developmental discourses in Asia. This is why various socialists and politicians are concerned about how to maintain a balance between Asian values and modernization. As of now, no interaction between modernization and Asian values seems to exist. Attempts are being made by European and American academicians regarding how to explain the rise of capitalism in Asia and how to promote Confucian values in this part of the world. Just like people living in other parts of the world, individuals living in Asia need to preserve their religious, cultural and mor...
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