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Swept Away: A Move Review

Movie Review Instructions:

watch this movie, do it like a draft, dont finish at all

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Movie Review “Swept Away”
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Swept Away is a movie that has attracted various opinions. It has actually split opinions amongst people, with there being fans as well as critics. The film is some sort of reenactment of one that was done in 1974, titled Swept Away by Unusual destiny in the Blue Sea of August (Balio, 2010). The two are to some extent quite incomparable, especially in the eyes of critics, who contend that it is somehow lacking when it comes to the character selection as well as the plot. Compared to the 1974 movie, while the general storyline might be the same, the execution and presentation of everything is quite different. In other terms, the movie knows the words but not the music.
Further criticism of the movie points to the fact that the two characters are unattractive. Guy Ritchie, the producer, basically gets this quite wrong. The characters in the film, while having rather broad strokes, try to stick to the plot for quite a while. One of the characters exhibits a distinctive playful, cheeky persona while the other is the complete opposite, exhibiting a rather ignorant persona. In the movie it is a bit hard for these characters to go through the motions because of the kind of difficult match between plot and character. There seems to be some incompatibility in roles and ability. This consequently isolates the audience as well, as one grapples to grasp the flow and general development of the film. The underlying narrative of the film has been of erotic nature.
In the movie Madonna plays the role of Amber, the rich spoilt spouse of a long suffering and a patient millionaire. It is the story of an improbable love story between her and this rich and wealthy man. The other major character in the film is the deck worker on the private yachts by the name Guiseppe. Both of them later join a couple on a reserved yacht from Greece to Italy. In the yacht there are other five passengers. Amber spends much of her time berating Guiseppe aboard the ship. Little does she know of what would happen next. The two end up trapped on a deserted island.
Being trapped on the deserted island completely changes the balance of power and the dynamics of how the two related. Guiseppe is the only one who can provide food. As a result, Amber must now humble herself and also serve him so as to survive. Guiseppe knows it and sometimes even slaps her a bit. She has to do everything possible to please him, including dancing and singing for him. This makes Guiseppe feel like a real man. The plot then changes, as the two find themselves in love with each other. As a result, what had begun as a scary story becomes a steammy and exciting love story.
Swept Away is a movie that aims at highlighting the various r...
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