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Applying Strategic and Operational Thinking

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Determine the impact of proposed strategic decisions across departments
You work for a global health and beauty company that has decided to move to a strategic focus on the triple bottom line (TBL). TBL means it will measure its success based on people, planet, and profit rather than profit alone. This strategic decision is based on a desire to be true to the company’s mission and vision and because engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) will make the company more successful.
The company objective is to transition from its current business model to CSR and TBL in three years. If the company successfully makes this transition, it would be the first in its industry to do so. This would create a first-mover advantage. As part of the TBL focus, the company CEO has asked each departmental manager to conduct a SWOT analysis of how transitioning to TBL will affect their departments.
You work in a rewards/membership product line that offers discounts, special services, and other benefits to customers for maintaining a fee-based membership in the company’s membership rewards program. Now that the CEO has collected the SWOT analyses from all company departments, she has asked you to focus on how the TBL project will impact two cross-functional departments for your product line: marketing and sales.
To allow you to do the analysis she requires, your CEO has provided you with the following documents:
Her letter outlining the company’s commitment to CSR and its plans for using TBL
The company’s vision, mission, and values statements
The company’s triple bottom line strategies document
Two SWOT analyses: one for marketing, one for sales
The CEO wants you to use this information to create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your product line’s progress on meeting the company’s CSR goals.
Your CEO has requested that you develop a memo that outlines the strategic KPIs for TBL in sales and marketing. She has asked that each of the following tasks be clearly communicated in the memo, and that they be addressed in the order given.
1.Develop one strategic question for each element of TBL: people, planet, and profit. These questions should give insights on how to measure the sales and marketing departments’ success in achieving the company’s goals. As you develop your strategic questions, follow these guidelines:
a. Consider how each question relates to your interpretation of the provided SWOT analyses.
b. Consider how each question will help achieve the CSR goals outlined in the CEO’s letter.
2. For your strategic questions, identify key performance indicators (KPIs) of successful strategy development and implementation.
a. Identify at least one KPI for each strategic question you provided.
3. Explain how the KPIs will be measured.
a. How will your KPIs help the company achieve its goals?
4. Identify functional considerations related to TBL.
a. How does the interconnectedness of the sales and marketing departments impact the measurement of TBL?
This memo will be shared with your CEO and other stakeholders. So, please check the memo for spelling and grammar.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following Word Document:
A KPI Strategy Memo
In a Word document, use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment should be no more than 6 pages in length and should include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Supporting Materials
Document: CSR Initiative Letter
This document is a letter from the CEO.
Document: Vision, Mission, and Values Statements
This document contains the vision, mission, and values statements referenced in the CSR initiative letter.
Document: Triple Bottom Line Strategies
This is a document outlining the key strategies to help the organization move to a triple bottom line model.
Document: SWOT Analyses From Sales and Marketing
This document contains a combined SWOT analysis from the two departments.

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Course Doe:
Subject: A KPI Strategy Memo
Strategic Question for Each Element of TBL
How can we provide an environment for learning and growth to our employees and be a global contributor to the communities we operate in?
How are the direct and indirect associations or partnerships of the company impacting the state of the environment?
How can the company leverage its sustainability goal to help enhance the cost-effectiveness of its approach to business?
Key Performance Indicators of Successful Strategy Development and Implementation
People – KPIs
Employee turnover
Employee turnover is a key metric to determine if they are satisfied with the company. If the employees are unsatisfied, they are more likely to leave. Therefore, if the percentage of employee turnover goes down, employees are satisfied in the company. To achieve this goal, employees can purchase products at a subsidized price and have flexible payment plans to encourage them to buy them. The program is a win-win for the company and the employees as it will help sell more products, and the employees can be good ambassadors to the organization. Employees will also benefit by acquiring our products at a lower price.
Number of Employees benefitted from educational programs
The reskilling of employees is a key objective for the company. It has come up with several programs to help employees further their education. It helps them meet their tuition fees and gives them flexible working terms to enable them to pursue their academic goals. To align it with sales and marketing department goals, some programs are only for employees under the department. A key KPI in this area will be the number of employees enrolled in the educational programs.
Number of people/families (from the community) helped through our CSR programs
The company will start programs that are aimed at solving and helping the community. The programs will be centered on two areas, education and health. One of the programs will be to give scholarships to bright students in the community who come from relatively poor households. Interested students will apply for the scholarship, and they will be awarded on merit.
The company can also come up with another idea program to help people struggling with a disease that is affecting the community. Through the public health department, the company can work with other stakeholders to provide care and especially treatment to affected individuals. For example, if the company plans to help individuals with cancer, the program would help the families meet the medical expense related to the treatment. The company will be teaming up with the community to fight the disease. If it is an infectious disease, the company can work with other stakeholders to campaign for vaccination.
The company would measure its CSR strategy's efficacy by the number of people helped through its programs.
How will your KPIs help the company achieve its goals?
In each of the afore-described KPIs on people, they will help the company achieve its goals, especially on the people element.
First, to provid...
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