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Job and Intern Cover Letter of Applied Economics and Management Graduate

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I need a cover letter to apply job and intern in business-related, so I need a writer familiar with what IBD and business-related companies want in the cover letter, I have two master's degrees!!! I'm currently studying finance, the other master's degree I've already done is in applied econ and management, you can see detail in my resume. Also, I will upload a template of the cover letter my teacher gave me which the writer could take a look at, although most cover letter in the template only has few sentences, please try to write more as it could show my strongpoint and related experience

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Professor’s Name
December 26, 2021
Cover Letter
Dear Mr. [to input name of recipient],
I have been looking forward to being a part of your team ever since I learned of this opportunity from your social media page. As someone who had extensive experience and interest in Finance, I wanted to improve further by applying my theoretical and practical experience as a part of one of the best companies in the field.
I have learned of your opportunity just a while ago and knew that your company is one of the best in data analysis and business consulting. As someone who has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a related Master’s Degree in Applied Economics and Management, I believe I can contribute to your growing business enterprise and provide insightful and data-based analysis for your clients. These fields are part of my expertise in line ...
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