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Creative Writing
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English (U.S.)
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Getting ready for work & drunk driving can be stopped

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Write a five sentence paragraph using chronological order about "getting ready for work" explain the steps that you would take to complete the task....
Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develope the topic "drunk driving can be stopped"

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Creative Writing
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Part 1
I wake up at 7:00 a.m. and brush my teeth. I take a bath and get dressed as soon as possible. Then I have my breakfast and pick up the keys of the car. I leave home and take nearly 30 minutes to reach the office. This is where I greet everyone and begin my casual day at work.
Part 2
Law enforcement officials say that there are some signs associated with driving drunk, such as making a turn unnecessarily, drifting, straddling, swerving or weaving the center line, driving on the wrong side of the road and...
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