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Leadership Goals for Good Working Relationship

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Unit I Assignment
Each of the assignments from Unit I through Unit VI are designed to draw on your imagination to think creatively on different real-world problems that many executive fire administrators may face in their position. These real-world problems will range from emergency incidents, budgetary issues, personnel issues, issues with policy and procedures, leadership issues, and other problems.
During each unit, you are expected to analyze and respond to specific situations that your fire department may face as the executive fire administrator. Even though there may be multiple problems, you should focus your analysis on identifying one or two key concerns. You should look at why these concerns exist, how they impact the fire department, and who is responsible for them, and then you should identify possible solutions. Each response will need to be comprised of plausible actions, concepts, or inventions to solve the real-world problems based on course readings, discussions, outside research, and your experience.
Throughout each unit, you will play the role of an executive fire administrator who was just selected as the community’s fire department chief. Click here to refer to the addendum for each of your unit assignments.
During each unit, you will prepare a well-organized narrative consisting of specific responses to a vexing problem or burden.
Each assignment is designed to draw on your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns within the Washington Fire Department. You should look at fire administration in a holistic way. The holistic way of thinking is significantly different from thinking in isolation or just examining one part of a problem. Looking at something in a holistic way is seeing the big picture as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Procedures For this assignment, you will complete a response to the scenario-based case study. Click here to view the Unit I scenario based case study. (Click here to access a PDF version of the presentation.) The assignment will be a three-page narrative focusing on arguments that support what the authors are discussing in this unit’s reading assignments as well as other research that you conducted.
As you review the material in the textbook, the background, and scenario-based case study, make sure you address the issues listed below.
Discuss leadership goals that must be accomplished to implement the conclusion from the aforementioned scenario based case study concerning the importance of a good working relationship with others. What cooperative leadership preference would help firefighters support the physical fitness program? How would this preference affect your actions necessary to complete the change process? Give several examples.
If you are stronger in one preference, describe how you would select and incorporate people with the other preference into your implementation process of a physical fitness program.
Discuss the importance of a policy supporting the fitness program and ensuring that it occurs as scheduled each shift for 1 hour.
Discuss why it would be important for fire and emergency services (FES) leaders to have a good working relationship with public officials, other agencies, and the community.
Describe the skills required for an effective FES leader to develop a cooperative relationship with fire and emergency management personnel as well as other agencies and the community.
Describe the leadership style that would most benefit the FES leader in the situation discussed.
Discuss how to gather feedback from staff members and peers as a part of the decision-making process.
Discuss how to engage political groups and individuals, unions, and the public to support your decision-making process.
You must include at least three sources, one of which can be from one of your textbooks and one of which should come from the CSU Online Library to supplement your discussion and support your conclusions. Aside from the textbooks, all sources should be from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. All sources used, including the textbooks, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in proper APA style.
Click here to access a video tutorial created by the CSU Online Library. The tutorial provides guidance on researching fire science topics in the library.
Course Textbook(s)
Smeby, L. C., Jr. (2014). Fire and emergency services administration: Management and leadership practices (2nd ed.).
Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://online(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/#/books/9781284048537
Walsh, D. W., Christen, H. T., Jr., Callsen, C. E., Jr., Miller, G. T., Maniscalco, P. M., Lord, G. C., & Dolan, N. J. (2012).
National incident management system: Principles and practice (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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Unit I narrative on reading assignment
Institutional Affiliation
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Leadership goals that must be accomplished to ensure a good working relationship with others
The mentorship leadership goal is the ideal way of passing down institutional training and knowledge obtained over the years, making fire departments succeed in their mandate. Through mentorship, the firefighters will receive guidance, advice, and direction on why respecting other first responders is essential and how to go about it, for instance, respecting their command and following their lead (Kelly and Gaeta, 2019). The leadership goal of building strong connections also must be accomplished. Creating strong bonds with the firefighters helps the executive fire administrator collaborate and cooperate with the officers in different situations. Thus, building interpersonal relationships with them will make it easier to encourage them to make similar connections with other emergency response personnel and gain support when pushing for cordial relationships with other officials.
What cooperative leadership preference would help firefighters to support the physical fitness program?
The cooperative leadership preference that would help firefighters is the flexibility of the leadership style. Flexibility ensures that the executive fire administrator appreciates firefighters' opinions about the program and accepts critical feedback, motivating them to follow the leader (Arbabi & Mehdinezhad, 2015, pp. 127-129).
The flexibility nature of this leadership would affect my actions by ensuring I include the firefighters in every decision-making process instead of making the decisions unilaterally as the boss (Arbabi & Mehdinezhad, 2015, pp.129). The preference would mean that I also participate in the physical fitness program with other firefighters to show my ability to work with them in everything. Additionally, it would affect my decision-making, such as the type of physical fitness firefighters need to engage in and instead follow their lead.
How to select and incorporate people with other preferences in the implementation process of the fitness program.
To select and incorporate people with different preferences, I would make them part of the creators of the physical fitness program. For example, the fire chief and administrative staff have significant influence in the Washington Fire Department, determining whether a program is supported or ignored. Having their participation in developing and finalizing the program will make them feel valued and develop emotional attachment to the program. Hence, they will be to defend and push for its acceptance.
Importance of a policy supporting the fitness program and ensuring it occurs as scheduled each shift for one hour.
A policy supporting the Washington Fire Service fitness program is crucial as it will ensure the safety of all firefighters. Working as a firefighter involves the willingness to expose you to dangerous situations for the good of others. The fitness program provides firefighter safety by ensuring all the officers are physically fit and capable of performing their duties. Additionally, with the potential health concerns related to th...
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