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Letter of Introduction for Head Football Coach Job at College

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Im applying for the Head Football Coach at a local college and need a letter of Interest (Cover Letter). Attached will be Job Description, Equivalency Letter, Resumes, & Reference Letters to help build the letter.

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Letter of Introduction for Head Football Coach Job at COS
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
COS Human Resource Department
College of the Sequoias
Re: Application for the Position of Head Football Coach
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to show my interest for the position of Head Football Coach that was advertised on the institution’s website late last month. I strongly believe that my skills, background and experience in not only playing but also coaching football in different institutions of higher learning make me an excellent fit for the role of Head Football Coach.
I have spent the last 9 years coaching between high school, college and professional indoor football and accomplished so much along the way. My coaching stints have seen me interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and different personalities both on and off the field. Therefore, I have the experience and I am committed to working with students from diverse cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, academic and disability backgrounds. I believe the position of Head Football Coach requires someone who is patient and takes time to understand the unique and distinct qualities of the players and coaching staff. This is an attribute that I possess in great abundance and has seen me develop teams where players and coaching staff establish strong and cohesive bonds. Although I am not a qualified teacher, the knowledge I garnered in pursuit of my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development will come in handy in helping the young players become responsible members in society. Furthermore, I am currently enrolled for the Masters of Scien...
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