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Alzheimer’s Disease & Basic Concept of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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I uploaded some files which you need to complete based on what they ask for.
Please, I also uploaded examples so you can follow as guidelines.
You also need to write a one page reflection analysis of the Traumatic Brain injury that relates to Alzheimer’s Disease. Please, follow the instruction carefully. The reflection analysis must be on APA format with in-text-citations along with references at least 2 references are needed.
one of the files contains examples of how to complete the the disease process (Alzheimer’s Disease ) and the basic concept (Traumatic Brain Injury) on page 2 and 3.
Please, read the instructions so you can provide me with great work.

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Reflection analysis of the Traumatic Brain injury that relates to Alzheimer’s disease
NR283 Pathophysiology
Among older adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI), there is a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) than those without TBI, especially when the injury is severe. People with these types of injuries tend to suffer concussions. Traumatic brain injury, mainly craniocerebral trauma, is one of the most common causes of death. There is a tendency for neuronal cell death after traumatic brain injury, which is linked to the deterioration in brain functions (Becker, Kapogiannis & Greig, 2018). Even those who survive or only have a mild form of trauma could struggle with severe long-term outcomes because of brain damage and Alzheimer's. In a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the soft brain tissue hits the hard skull wall abruptly from a shock or blow to the head, which can cause torn nerve cell extensions or bleeding.
People with traumatic brain injuries tend to have a concentration of tau proteins in their brains, and mutations in these proteins increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's (Sullivan, 2019). Alzheimer's disease is a neurocognitive and neurodegenerative disorder that mainly affects those above 60 years and age...
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