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Listeria Monocytogenes

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Multistate Outbreak Of Listeria monocytogenes in 2011 Linked To Whole cantaloupes.
Create a poster for public service announcement (PSA). The poster must be one page and can be 8.5 x 11 or larger.
o Ensure that your audience is clear - is it the general public? those with a certain exposure? those in a certain industry?
o Identify one factor of this outbreak on which to educate your audience (ensure your audience is clear to the reader). It could be washing fruit, cooking meat, awareness of symptoms, reporting symptoms, self-identifying as part of the outbreak (based on a case definition). It could be more industrial-based and be something to education production line workers, or corporate types

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3467100542925Everyone can get listeriosis, but the most vulnerable population are older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic illnesses due to weakened immune systems. The following are the signs for listeriosis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022):Headache Stomach upsetConvulsionsDiarrheaVomiting/nauseaChillsMuscle painLoss of balanceBreathing problemsFever Although having one or two of the above symptoms does not mean that an individual has listeriosis, it is good to seek the doctor’s attention if one experiences the combination of several signs. ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, (2022). Listeria (Listeriosis). Retrieved 8 August 2023, from /listeria/faq.html.McCollum, J. T., Cronquist, A. B., Silk, B. J., Jackson, K. A., O’Connor, K. A., Cosgrove, S., Gossack, J. P., Parachini, S. S., Jain, N. S., Ettestad, P., Ibraheem, M., & Cantu, V. (2013). Multistate outbreak of listeriosis associated with cantaloupe. The New England Journal of Medicine, 369, 944-953. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1215837.Awarness of listeriosis Symptoms 00Everyone can get listeriosis, but the most vulnerable population are older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic illnesses due to weakened immune systems. The following are the signs for listeriosis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022):Headache Stomach upsetConvulsionsDiarrheaVomiting/nauseaChillsMuscle painLoss of balanceBreathing problemsFever Although having one or two of the above symptoms does not mean that an individual has listeriosis, it is good to seek the doctor’s attention if one experiences the combination of several signs. ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, (2022). Listeria (Listeriosis). Retrieved 8 August 2023, from /listeria/faq.html.McCollum, J. T., Cronquist, A. B., Silk, B. J., Jackson, K. A., O’Connor, K. A., Cosgrove, S., Gossack, J. P., Parachini, S. S., Jain, N...
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