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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Resume and Cover Letter for Nurse Position

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Dear Writer,
I need resume and cover letter as an assignment and to apply to the job posting that is attached. I also have previous nursing experience in following area which need to be included: medical surgical/trauma unit, emergency, community nursing, long term care, complex care and mental health. If you need names of the institutions leave that area blank and I will fill in that.
I hope that you can assist me with this assignment. If you need additional information please let me know.
Thank you

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Career Objective: Be a part of humanity’s core goal of caring for one’s neighbor as oneself.

Mobile: +000-000-0000
Email: [email protected]


A nurse with a passion to do as it pertains to the call of nursing. The goal is to give the best at all times buoyed by the vast nursing experience in various areas, including medical-surgical/trauma unit, emergency, community nursing, long-term care, complex care, and mental health.
Dedicated team player with great interpersonal skills with a keen eye on excellence and great patient outcomes.

Skills & Competencies

TechnicalSoftEmergency careProficiency with EHRPatient educationFamily and community educationMonitoring patient’s vital signsLong-term careComplex careCommunicationConflict resolutionProblem-solvingCollaborationProfessionalismAgilityEmpathy

Work Experiences

Medical Surgical/Trauma

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