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Media Report : Asian Politicians

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Media Report
In writing this report, I chose the newsletter "when politicians break down in public during poll season" by Sivaraman. The author's focus in this article is to illustrate the plight politicians endure in their political careers. For example, the article contains an image of a politician, Perundurai MLA Thoppu N. Venkatachalam, after being expelled from AIADMK. The former minister appeared before the media, lamenting and frustrated on why he was denied a seat. From the image, it is evident that politicians consider electoral positions as a source of their livelihood, and losing such a position can devastate one.
Besides, the politician's emotional moment demonstrates that holding a political seat or position in the Asian community is an important role. Society holds such an individual with high regard. Expulsion from a ruling party in the Asian community illustrates that society has lost faith in the person, making them seek an alternative (Sivaraman, 2021). Therefore, the former minister's expulsion from the party made him question his leadership skills because he felt that he had invested his resources, yet the people found him unfit to serve and hold office.
The article illustrates that most Asian-speaking politicians regard elective positions as a way to sail their way to the top and people's hearts. In my opinion, most Asians associate being elected as a chance to be close to their supreme being. Therefore, the former minister's expulsion from the elective position could have ...
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