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IT & Computer Science
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English (U.S.)
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Projects that have Failed

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1. Have you participated in the creation of a project that failed?
2. Why did it fail?
3. Based on the System Development Life Cycle Model, what could have been done to help the project succeed?
Remember, the SDLC can be applied to almost any activity (including meal preparation or a move or buying a car, etc.). If you have never participated in a project that failed, you can use an example of a project that you have heard of or you can just provide your opinion on what you think might be some of the causes of failed projects. Base your responses on the phases of the SDLC.
If someone is interested in a model that applies to teamwork development, take a look at Tuckman's
model. This .pdf file contains a description of Tuchman and his model.

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Understanding the importance of failure is essential for anyone. Failure helps in the development of one’s character, mainly if such loss is based on a systematic process of learning. Personally, I have worked on several projects that led to numerous failures. One of the most memorable were several significant investments that I made that ended up invaluable after some time. In all of these instances, the investments failed because I believed in “quick rich schemes” that promised significant returns in a small number of times. It took me quite some time before I realized that investments should be thoroughly studied and researched.
In line with the topic of Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), I believed that my future investments would be much better if I systematically approached this ‘trial...
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