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Sensitization and Desensitization to a Stimulus

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In 150-200 words, describe an event in your life that has caused you to be sensitized to a specific stimulus. Share that event as paragraph one of your initial post.
Discuss the stimulus and your response to it, based on your experience with it. Make sure to include why you think this has happened.
Support this with scientific literature using APA Style.
In 150-200 words, describe an event in your life that has caused you to be desensitized to a specific stimulus. Share that event as the second paragraph in your initial post.

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Sensitization Versus Desensitization
Sensitization, often referred to as reverse tolerance, is a phenomenon observed in the context of substance abuse. It entails an unusual response pattern, where repeated exposure to a consistent dose of a specific drug leads to an augmentation, rather than attenuation, of a particular behavioral, physiological, or cellular reaction over time. These heightened responses can endure for extended periods, weeks, or even months (Olive & Tomek, 2018).
Conversely, Cantor (2003) defined desensitization as a psychological process characterized by the repeated elicitation of a response in situations where the emotional action tendency typically associated with that emotion is deemed irrelevant. In clinical practice, desensitization is 

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