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Comparative Analysis of Global Forces

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A Comparative Analysis of Global Forces that Contribute to the Design of Corporate Risk Management Strategies at four Different Manufacturing Companies on the African Continent.

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Global Forces
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Global forces
Due to the rapid changes in various sectors as a result of technological advancements, there are a number of forces that have triggered various effects on different companies in Africa. In order to survive in the new competitive global market, these companies should come up with certain strategies that are designed for corporate risk management. This paper aims at discussing some of the global forces and their effects in the modern firms.
Technology - With the advancements in technology, businesses relying on computers for operation because they increase productivity and enable easy communication as well as improving the quality of output. Companies need to design a strategy to mitigate the risk exposure on the use of technology. For instance MTN Group may adopt and design the corporate risk in line with technology (Cooke, 2015). 
Government rules - The government rules affect businesses to a great extent I Africa, for instance taxation and interest rates have effects on companies in Africa. Strategies should therefore be implemented to manage risks associated wit...
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