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Article: Could you be Pushed to Commit a Horrific Crime?

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Unit IV

Article Review Could you be pushed to commit a horrific crime? Although most individuals can readily predict their response during a stressful situation, recent advancements have revealed that situational forces can have a far greater impact on one’s behavior than previously acknowledged. In fact, discoveries have been revealed which provide shocking insight into human behaviors and abuse. Read the article by Hong (2012) and write a two-page review examining how “normal” individuals can become vulnerable to heinous acts when placed under certain duress.

What can be learned from Zimbardo’s prison experiment? Can certain correlations be drawn from the conditions in Abu Ghraib? Could you blindly follow the commands received by an authority figure?

Hong, J. K. (2012). The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people turn evil. Army Lawyer, 55-58. Tips for writing your Article Review:  Introduction: This is meant to give a concise overview of the article being discussed, and is usually one paragraph in length.  Summary: This contains the summary of the article that gives the general argument(s) and overview of the featured author.  Analysis: In this portion of the paper, you should provide a review of the article. You should state whether you agree or disagree with the issues that were posed. Furthermore, you should also discuss why you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoint(s). Do not forget to discuss the importance of this article to the field of psychology. You MUST use the material from the textbook to support your

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Article Review
Article Review
The Lucifer Effect is an article by Major Joon Kong which explains how being under certain circumstances can influence the way we behave. The author discusses why normal people can be transformed into murderers when placed under extreme conditions. To prove this theory, the article presents an experiment conducted at the Stanford Prison where college students` were placed in a bad situation. The article reports that the students that were actions as guards in the experiment ended up torturing the prisoners even though they knew that this was just an experiment. The article concludes that what happened in the Stanford prison experiment explains what happened at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq where prisoners were tortured to death.
The article discusses about a book titled The Lucifer Effect that has been authored by Philip Zimbardo. The author of this book seeks to understand the processes of transformation at work when good or ordinary people commit bad things. Specifically, the author discusses the nature of character transformations when they are presented with powerful situational forces. In the Stanford Prison experiment (SPE), paid student volunteers took on the roles of prison and prison guards in a bid to replicate a realistic prison environment as a way of establishing the extent to which an individual adapts to their new roles. The article presents a scenario where the guards who had been given the liberty of deciding the kind of punishment to present to the prisoners ended up being violent to a point where the experiment had to be called off before its completion date (Ho...
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