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The Social Construction of Gender

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Read the article The ‘Pink vs Blue’ Gender Myth
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and watch the video Gender Identity.
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After reviewing these resources regarding what it means that gender is a social construct, address the following questions:
What does it mean when sociologists argue that gender is socially constructed?
What is an example of a difference in men and women’s behavior that you feel is rooted in biology rather than socially social constructed? Be sure to provide evidence from this week’s readings and/or external research to support your argument that this behavior is rooted in biology and is not socially constructed.
Which example from the resources provided did you find most compelling in building your knowledge of social construction? Summarize the example and explain why you found it most useful. For more information on how to effectively summarize visit the Writing Center’s Guidelines for Summarizing Sources
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The Social Construction of Gender
Sociologists Arguments
Gender identity is a controversial subject that has elicited uproar from public and private Institutions. According to sociologists, gender is a social construct that evolves on hard-wired paths instilled in children since birth. Cultural norms limit explorations, and children become accustomed to this way of life. Primarily, this theory is anchored on the premise of culture and traditions, making it extremely difficult to differentiate if the expressed preferences are deeply rooted.
An example of a difference in men and women’s behavior that you feel is rooted in biology
One of the most common behaviors between men and women rooted in biology is that men are more aggressive than women. According to research conducted by Mazur, 2009, this biological difference is naturally induced due to high levels of testosterone...
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