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The Importance of Identity and Self-concept for Marketers

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-Literature review assignment.
-Review relevant literature to demonstrate a critical understanding of main theories and psychological underpinnings in consumer behaviour and the application of these in companies‘ marketing scenarios
After you choose the topic, you need to develop a literature review using the following structure:
• An introduction (highlight the value of researching this topic, outline the key themes of the literature, 150 words)
• Main body of literature (For this section, you need to identify relevant literature and apply them to the context to discuss the topic. There is not set structure for this section, it depends on what articles you want to use and what are the key themes you identify from literature, so you can use the key themes to structure the main body. (1700 words)
• Conclusion (This section should be concluding the key arguments drawing from the main body in order to respond to the topic. You can also suggest a few research questions for the data collection for next stage of research, about 150-200 words.)
please read the assignment brief, thank you.

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The Importance of Identity and Self-concept for Marketers
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The Importance of Identity and Self-concept for Marketers
Brand personality in the fashion industry fulfills a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted function in providing identity to companies while expediting effective communication. A human form or character helps in enhancing symbolic representation while expediting effective communication with consumers. The proliferation of high fashion brands into the local market has influenced marketers to assess the link between customers and their preferred brands. High-end fashion brands symbolize differentiation and quality based on the importance that customers place on specific brands. The clothing companies can formulate communication mechanisms based on self-concept to build a corporate brand while attracting customers. Equally, fashion companies have to consider their brand image in designing adverts to enhance customer loyalty. Clothing companies have to assess consumers' identities since they consume a product that aligns with their preferences. In the current era of intense competition in the fashion industry, branding in the fashion industry has emerged as a strategy to have a competitive edge over close rivals in the market. Consumer's identity and self-concept are vital considerations that organizations have to consider in formulating adverts for fashion products.
Body of Literature
Marketing executives ought to understand the processes that underlie consumer behavior as one of the critical areas of research to expedite business growth and productivity. According to Japutra and Molinillo (2019), understanding consumer behaviors is crucial in marketing strategy. Self-concept is an equally relevant aspect as a totality of an individual's feelings and thoughts. Therefore, the cognitive structure has a close connectedness to the behavior and emotions of consumers. Fashion marketers and consumer psychologists collaborate to study fashion innovativeness to explore fashion diffusion.
Fashion innovators are the main target customers in the apparel industry as the first buyers of clothing in the marketplace. As such, their reaction to fashion is a critical determinant of the success or failure of new brands. Although researchers examine the characteristics of fashion innovators, self-image has only received little attention. Apparel marketers seek to identify and appeal to fashion innovators with anticipation of expediting their business growth and expansion (Japutra & Molinillo, 2019). Research on characteristics of fashion innovators focuses on attitudes, social communication, lifestyles, and demographics as main variables of customers. Apparel marketers utilize the information in developing advertisements that fashion innovators can find persuasive.
Female fashion innovators are likely to be indulgent, colorful, fashion followers, and formal. Gonzalez-Jimenez (2017) argues that self-concept is a practical aspect in the apparel industry to understand customers' behavior. Self-concept includes self-image, self-esteem that are of interest to marketers since consumers prefer products that align with their attitudes. Self-concept is critical since self...
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