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The Alpha Go and Alpha Go Zero Technology Essay Paper

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I just want to paper summary ( please follow the instruction to write summary and read instruction carefully)
Uncle Bob is a passionate GO player and also knows a bit about artificial intelligence. But Uncle Bob does not know anything about the newest program that can beat a human being at GO.
Help Uncle Bob out!
Describe the difference between the AI programs Alpha Go and Alpha Go Zero in a tweet like super short summary of max 280 characters.
Watch these two videos:
The computer that mastered GO
b. AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch (video halfway down the page)
Based on these videos (and the descriptions on the page of the second link) ask yourself how the newer program, AlphaGo Zero, differs from its predecessor, AlphaGo. Compile your thoughts into a short text.
Then select the most important items (that is the tricky part!) and compose a Tweet like text with max 280 chars (not counting white spaces). Only the Tweet will be submitted.
In order to squeeze into the 280 character limit as much content as possible, you should make use of the following abbreviations Uncle Bob knows:
artificial intelligence > AI
machine learning > ML
deep learning > DL
supervised learning > SL
reinforcement learning > RL
AlphaGo > AG
AlphaGo Zero > AGZ
Neural Network > NN

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Alpha Go and Alpha Go Zero
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Alpha Go and Alpha Go Zero
AlphaGo Zero is the newest version AlphaGo, the first computer to defeat the world champion at an ancient Chinese game, Go. To date, AlphaGo Zero is the most powerful and strongest Go player. Earlier versions of AlphaGo first trained on thousands of professional games and human amateur to master the game. AlphaGo will skip this step and learn by playing against itself, beginning from a totally random play. With time, it quickly surpassed human ability of playing Go and even defeated AlphaGo by 100 to 0 games. AlphaGo Zero achieves this ability through a new reinforcement learning of self-learning (Hassabi & Silver, 2017). For this reason, Zero is more powerful compared to the earlier versions of AlphaGo since it is not limited to human knowledge. This is because Zero can learn tabula rasa from world champion, which is AlphaGo, its predecessor.
Key differences between AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero
The first difference is that AlphaGo uses a combination of black and white ...
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