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Tesco PESTEL and SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix, and Sales and Negotiation Skills

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Individual Report

Assessment Task

Choosing an organisation you are familiar with, you will deliver a report considering the assessment requirements of:

1). Show your understanding to the role of marketing; Describe your chosen organisation, and the industry they are in; link your understanding of the role of marketing within your chosen organisation to support organisational objectives

2) Discuss the factors in an organisation’s marketing environment, which impact on the marketing of a product or service and developing a PESTLE and SWOT analysis for your chosen organisation (using the suggested PESTEL & SWOT Tables provided)

3) Deliver an understanding of how to market a product or service (Marketing Mix) and highlight how your chosen organisation has completed this (using the suggested Marketing Mix Discussion Table provided)

4) A Personal reflection on your practice of sales and negotiation skills that you completed in taught sessions and the key points you will take away and use in the future and an outline of your chosen organisation’s strategies in this area

5) Provide a discussion of the major findings, concluding analysis and recommendations in relation to how your chosen organisation markets its products and services to support organisational objectives (using the suggested Marketing Mix Recommendations Table provided)

Below is the Suggested Report Structure (based on the assessment task):

  1. Introduction:  Show your understanding to the role of marketing; Describe the chosen organisation, and the industry they are in; link your understanding of the role of marketing within your chosen organisation to support organisational objectives.
  2. PESTEL and SWOT Analysis: Discuss the factors in your chosen organisation’s marketing environment and as a minimum conduct a PESTEL and SWOT analysis (which you will have developed in formative assessment 1) using the suggested PESTEL & SWOT Tables provided.
  3. Conclusion and Recommendation: Provide a discussion of the major findings, concluding analysis and recommendations in relation to how your chosen organisation markets its products and services to support organisational objectives (using the suggested Marketing Mix Recommendations Table provided).
  1. Discussion and Analysis of Marketing Mix: Illustrate and discuss how your chosen organisation applies its marketing tactical tools (i.e. marketing mix-7P) to market its products and services (using the suggested Marketing Mix Discussion Table provided).
  2. Sales and Negotiation skills applied by your chosen organisation: Provide a reflection on the skills you learnt in the sales and negotiation sessions (which can be from your Formative assessment 2) and where possible identify how your chosen orgnisation have applied its Sales and Negotiations skills for marketing products and services; evaluate related performance.
  1. Reference List
  1. Appendices (if applicable)

Other Instructions

1). Your report must be in report format with appropriate headings and paragraph numbering. You must include all sources and references in a ‘References’ section. You are expected to refer to appropriate theory and models, and to reference your work correctly, using the Harvard system. If you are unsure of the Harvard system a guidance leaflet is available from the library.

2). The word limit is very tight; therefore, you will need to be concise, consider using bullet points. Use minimum words for clarity and do not repeat yourself. Please note the marks weighting for each of the tasks and the weighting for report structure and presentation.

Your work will be assessed using the attached marking scheme below.

3). The suggested Tables for PESTEL & SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix and Marketing Mix Recommendations MUST BE placed in the body of your Report. Use bullet points in these suggested Tables and you MUST provide in-text citations for each bullet point. In addition, the Tables in the body of the Report DO NOT count towards the word count for the Report


Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Marketing, Sales and Negotiation Skills

Table of Contents
Introduction. 3
Tesco PESTEL and SWOT Analysis. 3
PESTEL Analysis. 3
SWOT Analysis. 7
The Tesco Marketing Mix. 9
Marketing Mix Discussion Table. 12
Sales and Negotiation Skills at Tesco. 13
Conclusion and Recommendations. 14
Recommendations. 14
References. 16

The contemporary business world has attained unprecedented rivalry over the years, and entities are finding the need to develop better ways of carrying out separate functions to keep sustainable and relevant in various industries. Industries are massive now more than ever, with countless shop floors available both online and offline, making it necessary for firms to do something extra to bring customers their way and make the much-needed sales. That is marketing. It makes a firm's products visible to customers in markets overcrowded by other sellers. Today, businesses must extensively hone their marketers' sales and negotiation skills lest they lose their clientele to eager competitors waiting next doors. They must analyse their environments and understand the best marketing mixes to make significant sales in their markets. This report aims to explore the factors necessary for a company to market its goods today strategically. A case study of Tesco Plc. has been selected.
Tesco PESTEL and SWOT Analysis
PESTEL Analysis
The PESTEL model aids learners in analysing factors in the external environment of a business or industry by classing them into six categories that include Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal categories (Yüksel, 2012). As an MNC, Tesco contends with such factors in the various countries of operation and below is an analysis of how they affect their marketing strategies.
Political Factors
Political factors can incentivise business and enable marketing or entirely serve to make it hard for a company to maintain its rapport with its clientele. As an MNC born in the UK, Tesco found it hard to attract investors due to Brexit's uncertainties since the UK's withdrawal from the EU left their relations rocky (Bloom et al., 2019). It was unclear what would follow and which markets Tesco would be denied from accessing, and that made Tesco curtail its international marketing initiatives significantly. Political instability also plays a part in influencing marketing, and recently, Tesco has stopped buying Russian products due to the invasion of Ukraine by the former (Mykhnenko, 2022). It means that their ‘product’ element in the marketing mix changes.
Economic Factors
Different countries have different wage rates and the higher the wage rate in a country, the more difficult it gets for the company to afford the labour and have good marketing teams. The UK has an ever increasing wage rate that should rise from £8.91 to £9.50 at the beginning of April 2022, while countries in Asia where Tesco is present offer the cheapest labour due to high levels of unemployment (Guo & Newbery, 2021). Costs and pricing also affect marketing efforts. The UK, for instance, has immensely raised borrowing costs and the effects are that Tesco needs to inc...
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