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Apple Technology Stock

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Apple Technology Stock
Company Profile
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Inc. in 1976. The company manufactures, develops designs, and advertises personal computers, portable digital music gadgets, media devices, and mobile communication. Additionally, it sells accessories, third-party digital applications, software, and networking solutions. The primary consumer segments of Apple’s products and services are Japan, the United States of America (USA), Europe, Asia Pacific, and Greater China. Some of the services and products provided by Apple Inc. include Apple TV, Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone OS, iCloud, Apple Pay, OS X, WatchOS, professional software apps, and a variety of accessories (CNN Business, 2021). Apple’s headquarters are in Cupertino, California. This American multinational technology corporation is among the largest organizations in the world. Indeed, it has approximately 147,000 workers and generated a revenue of about $274.5 billion in 2020 (Wall Street Journal). Under the leadership of Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive officer (CEO), the firm has made significant changes that have enabled it to retain a competitive advantage in the technology sector.
Industry Overview
The technology industry is highly competitive and Apple Inc. must have significant strategic decisions and core competencies to remain at the top. The primary Apple’s competitors are Dell, Samsung, Huawei, Microsoft, ASUS, Sony, HP, and Lenovo. The following is the macroeconomic environment’s overview of the technology industry:
* Political Factors
Apple Inc. is significantly affected by the government regulations in its decision-making processes. For example, it must implement policies that safeguard the privacy of its consumers of electronic devices.
* Economic Factors
The company has experienced steady growth rates, and it has never suffered from a high rate of employee turnover. The stability of the dollar exchange rates and inflation has further enabled Apple Inc. to grow and expand in new geographical locations.
* Sociocultural Factors
Apple Inc. is well-known for treating its workers well and is among the companies with highly paid employees. Specifically, the firm has a diverse workforce, which means that it pays attention to workers’ cultures, values, norms, age, sexual orientation, and gender among other demographic characteristics.
* Technological Factors
Apple Inc. manufactures high-quality electronic devices since it has the right technology and human labor to do it. For instance, the firm’s innovative workforce has enabled it to develop the iPhone 12 Pro and new models of Apple Watch in the past few years.
* Ecological Factors
Based on the statement by Apple’s vice president of environmental policy and social initiatives, Lisa Jackson, the company is committed to building high-quality products and offers services that would make the world a better place for humanity (Environmental Responsibility Report 5). As such, it means that Apple engages in activities, such as using renewable energy, that reduce global warming.
* Legal Factors
Apple Inc. adheres ...
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