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Face-to-Face Communication Among Inmate Groups

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Write a discussion answering the following questions.
Sutherland was convinced that direct face-to-face communication in intimate groups was essential for transmitting the values conducive to committing crime. Do you think so? Is society that much different today than when he developed this theory?
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Discussion on the Topic of Differential Association
In recent years there has been an increase in the debate regarding crimes in inmate groups as people are looking to understand their main cause. One of the main factors that different people have highlighted is face-to-face communication. Like most researchers, Sutherland claims that face-to-face communication among inmate groups is essential to transmitting values conducive to creating crimes. He claims that criminal behavior can be learned similarly to other activities such as reading and painting. He claims that some individuals are likely to have criminal mentors. These individuals could learn from them measures such as how to respond to law enforcement officers, defend their acts, rationalize, or express remorsefulness. Southerland claims that the greater the contact the person wi...
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