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40 words. Two diffrent simple examples for each word

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

I will upload the document for you. There are 40 words in it, and i need two diffrent simple examples for each word and you are not allow to use "I" or "my" in the examples. Thanks

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
The new minister for energy was forced to resign as a result of the controversy surrounding the increase of petrol prices in the country.
There is a big controversy regarding the sacking of unqualified teachers by the ministry of education
The government is conducting an exploration for minerals along the coast.
The university is sponsoring an exploration trip in the Amazon forest.
The new road will benefit locals by connecting the village to the big cities.
Access to free healthcare is the biggest benefit of the current government.
Tom is doing well after getting a job as a human resource manager
Gold is by far the most valuable natural resource
Polio was the most feared disease before the invention of antibiotics
Some antibiotics are said to have harmful side effects
Researchers have discovered a new and more effective treatment for cancer
The government is offering free treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
Substance abuse is the biggest health risk facing the youth today
The court dismissed the case because the prosecution’s evidence lacked substance
The government has said it will begin to extract oil from the ocean floor soon
Small-scale miners use a method known as panning to extract gold from sand
Nuclear waste
The United Nations will convene a meeting to discuss risks of nuclear waste
Iran has assured the UN that its nuclear program will not produce harmful nuclear waste
Controversy is looming in the judiciary following the sacking of judges of Supreme Court.
The Italian prime minister is famous for getting himself into controversy every few months.
The tender to drill boreholes in the country’s arid regions was canceled because it was awarded under controversial circumstances.
The opposition wants to support a controversial bill in parliament that requires all presidential candidates to have a doctoral degree.
The latest oil exploration is set to fail after its financiers pulled out
The Americans pride themselves for being the first nation to carry out an exploration on the moon.
The opposition’s candidate had a difficult time explaining how his government will benefit the people.
There is divided opinion o...
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