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2 pages/≈550 words
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Becoming Successful And Responsible Adults

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

You need to write the summary and response separately. There can be no references in the article. The first sentence of the summary should be written in the article subject sentence and the full name of the author. The original sentence cannot be copied. The response needs to be written in five paragraphs (indicating one's own point of view afterwards, for example). The second and third paragraphs write paragraphs that support opinions, and the fourth paragraph write conceding paragraphs. One-and-a-half words can be written, and phrases that I need to use will be uploaded in the file.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s name: Course: Date: In-Class Essay Summary Sydney J. Harris’s article showcases the dilemma faced by parents as they endeavor to bring up their children to becoming successful and responsible adults who command a lot of respects and admiration or recognition from the society. Children with creative imaginations end up making life-changing innovations that impact human life in positive ways. It is a parent’s wish that it is their child who stands out among the crow with the cutting edge innovation and thus gaining popularity or recognition from the world, counting as excellence or success in life. Achieving the great fete requires conformity to some ground rules dictated by the social standards and enforced by the parents through imploring their kids’ conformity to their control. Sydney seeks to reveal the fault with this analogy by highlighting several factors that make it untenable especially within the current society which demands so much from both the children and their parents. The author, reveals that the greatest innovative minds behind key inventions had to break out from the social constrictions to make their mark in the world. Response Success for children and their conformity to the societal set standards or rather the universal parenting rules and control are two very different things. Whilst a child can grow up to be a success in whatever they may choose to pursue in life, it is not likely that they will make that achievement in adherence to their parents’ control or demand for a certain mode of conduct. The parent’s desired mode of conduct for their children is often in tandem with the society’s set of acceptable behaviors upon which should...
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