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Social Discussion week 8. Social Sciences Assignment

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Identifying a Solution to an Environmental Social Problem
To finish up the semester, we will learn about social problems connected to the environment. Environmentalists have argued that being environmentally friendly doesn't mean corporate America must suffer. Rather it creates new markets and innovation by challenging corporations to come up with different products, practices, and solutions to environmental problems. A current example of this is the banning of plastic disposable straws... most companies that serve beverages will cut back on costs, it is a small inconvenience to customers, and it challenges us to come up with new products or improvements on the old- recycled paper straws or reusable straws.
Due Thursday evening by Midnight (5pts): For this week's post, identify an environmental social problem that you would like to see changed. This can be anything from pollution to overproduction to landfill use, etc. Leave a comment explaining the problem and one solution for changing it.
Due Sunday evening by Midnight (5pts): Reply to 2 of your fellow classmates providing a critical comment regarding the practicality of the solution. Expand on the author's idea to identify any latent outcomes and offer alternative solutions to the problem.
Requirements of the Reply
A well constructed reply will include at least four grammatically correct and thoughtful sentences (with proper citations as needed) that do not include summaries but rather contribute original thought to the discussion and learning. If you reference sources (it is recommended when appropriate but not mandatory to include a reference in your post) or include any information from sources such as the textbook, videos, or websites, please cite using the ASA short citation format or you will face point deductions: http://www(dot)asanet(dot)org/documents/teaching/pdfs/Quick_Tips_for_ASA_Style.pdf Links to an external site.
If you are unsure if you have properly cited the resource, you can email me 48 hours before the assignment is due and I will give you feedback. You can also check TurnIt In for flagged context. Here is an example of how to cite properly (Note ASA is slightly different from APA):
In my opinion, poverty rates are high because of limited employment opportunities. “Poverty in the United States is measured based on relative living rather than absolute conditions (Gibbons, and Jones)” (Open Stax 2015, p. 25). According to Open Stax (2015), there are different ways to measure poverty, and the most popular measurement is relative poverty. I believe subjective poverty might give us an unrealistic measurement of poverty and this seems to also be supported by Open Stax (2015) in that relative poverty is a more valid measurement in the United States.
As you can see by the above example, an ASA citation includes the author(s) of the source (Open Stax), the copyright year (2015), and if it is a direct quotation, the page number which information can be found by the reader. If you are summarizing the thought in your own words you do not have to list the page number. Also note that one period is always placed after the citation parenthesis and not before (e.g. “.). When copying word for word from a source, you are required to place information in “quotation marks” otherwise not doing so is defined as plagiarism.

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Running head: TOTE BAGS1
Tote Bags: Fashion Chic or Environmental Stewardship?
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Tote Bags: Fashion Chic or Environmental Stewardship?
This is an age of environmental stewardship par excellence. Everywhere, everyone appears to promote, or at least make a show of, environmentally-friendly practices. Temperature, carbon emissions, polluted oceans and increasingly dense urbanities are all issues hyped by policy makers, economists, hardcore environmentalists, community and individuals. To be “environmentally conscious,” one of so many newly minted expressions around environmental stewardship, is to be a responsible citizen – more so a global one connected to wider communities beyond one’s own. Tote bags are, admittedly, one among many products and services now shifting to a green awareness. The design, at once minimalist and chic, appears to drive a mass consumption of tote bags. If anything, tote bags are not only being produced by world-renowned fashion designers yet, more interestingly, come out with a marketable message of an all-environmentally friendly use. There is a major caveat, however, in making and buying tote bags. Primarily, tote bags are not used as intended, or shown, to minimize impact of environment. Tote bags are, ironically, used minimally, if at all, only to be dumped by users and, even more ironic, plastic bags are used instead. This raises a question of whether promoting and/or selling a product or a service of potentially positive impact on environment could achieve initially intended goal without proper, or matching, awareness of such goal.
Typically, people, most at least, are inclined to imitate and purchase (if reasonably affordable) fashionable products particularly if promoted, sold and/or purchased by celebrities. Take tote bags. At face value, nothing is particularly attractive about tote bags, made up from recycled plastics, cotton or a combination of reused materials, except for a single message of environmentally-friendliness now on high demand. The tote bags designed by London-based fashion designer Anya Hindmarch are a case in point. Intended, in goodwill or not, for charity purposes, Hindmarch’s tote bags, particularly ...
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