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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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An Analysis on The Impact of Computer Technology on Accounting and its Effect on Employment.

Research Paper Instructions:

The whole report should have only 3-5% plagiarism!!!!
use the source as in text citations, also use atleast 2 figures.
The research has two parts: 1-progress report around 1500 words
you can use these sources:
(PURPOSE statement should show a narrowed, focused topic and clearly link your major with the theme of the semester. provide your reader with some background about your topic such as any necessary definitions or historical and theoretical descriptions. Also, explain why your topic is an important one.)
A. Sources
(explain how many sources you have found so far and how you found them; mention the source evaluations you have written for them)
B. Preliminary outline
- (2 LEVEL OUTLINE) (provide your reader next with a logical, coherent two level topic out line that sets out the main sections of your report)
C. Source evaluations
How long is your source?
How did you find the source?:
Write a complete APA reference for your source:

In about100 words, summarize the main points of your source.

In about 100 words, explain why you chose this source for your report.
Relevance: connect relevant parts of the source with your outline.
Article: what level is it? How up-to-date is the information?
Publication / website / author: are they reputable, unbiased and knowledgeable?

How long is your source?
How did you find the source?:
Write a complete APA reference for your source:

In about100 words, summarize the main points of your source.

In about 100 words, explain why you chose this source for your report.
Relevance: connect relevant parts of the source with your outline.
Article: what level is it? How up-to-date is the information?
Publication / website / author: are they reputable, unbiased and knowledgeable?
2- report around 1750 words
TITLE: The Impact of Gas Emissions from Oil Factories and Machines on the Environment
The world is developing in the industry and causing problems such as global warming due to the emission greenhouse gases. Global warming also causing problems to human health. There are many solutions that can be applied such as using electric cars instead of normal cars. Also, using porous materials to capture greenhouse gases, mainly CO2 gas.
INTRODUCTION.................................... 3
I. GAS EMISSIONS AND GLOBAL WARMING....................................3
A. Definition and Statistics....................................3
B. Argument....................................4
II. SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS....................................4
A. Common Solutions.................................... 4
B. Porous Materials....................................5
RECOMMENDATIONS.................................... 6
Figure 1: The Concentration of Carbon Dioxide………….…………...………………………4
Figure 2: Carbon Dioxide injection location…………………………………………………...5
INTRODUCTION (Background, Purpose, Scope)
Advances in technologies and machines have developed dramatically in the past decade. It causes a huge jump in people's concepts. Also, it becomes a part of our modern lifestyle that cannot be removed. It reflects in our transportation systems such as cars, airplanes, and trains. Moreover, it is in our house appliances, for instance, televisions, air conditions, and washing machines. In terms of communications, mobile phones are one of the most important devices that made massages to be sent in no time regardless of the distance. All of these technologies and machines have improved our lives, especially in saving time and effort.
These machines need the power to operate, and this power mostly comes from electricity or burning fossil fuel. In fact, most of the generated electricity is produced by burning fossil fuel. However, the products of burning fossil fuel are energy and some gases. Most of these gases are greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases are considered to be waste and released into the atmosphere. The greatest influence of it comes from oil factories and transportation machines. The percentage of these gases in the atmosphere is highest in the GCC countries, because most of GCC countries have the biggest oil factories in the world that depends on burning fossil, and the industrial countries such as China and the united states due to the huge number of factories and machines that emit greenhouse gases (EPA, 2019, P.1). The question is whether these gases are environmentally friendly or not.
In this report, the impact of these gases on the environment will be discussed, along with some suggested solutions. Then, it concludes with some recommendations and future ideas.
A. Definition and Statistics
Global warming refers to the rise in global temperature due to the rapid increase in greenhouse gases. When solar energy reflects back to space, greenhouse gases absorb the infrared (IR) radiations, hence trapping the heat and warm the planet. In fact, if carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the greenhouse gases, does not exist in the atmosphere, the earth would be a 30-degree Celsius cooler (Burdge, 2017, P.967). Therefore, the most responsible gas of the trapping process is CO2.
The latest measurement of the concentration of CO2 gas in the atmosphere is 413 ppm (part per million), which is highest in the record, see the trend in figure 1. For consequences, the global temperature is increasing and breaking the record in 2016, and also, the rate of change in the sea level is 3.3 millimeters per year, which is also highest in the record (NASA, 2020, P.1). All of these measurements support global warming predictions, and it is predicted to keep increasing if it kept without a solution to lower the emission of the greenhouse gases.
B. Argument
On the one hand, some people think that the global warming problem is not real and it just a conspiracy game. They say it is the worst-case scenario that far from happening in real life. They claim it is just an excuse to limit the newly developing countries, such as the GCC countries, from using too much power in their industrial processes because they don't want them to become great power that can then plays a significant rule in state level, where it can harm them in their businesses and wealth (Klump, 2020, P.1). Thus, it is just a hoax that made from the high power countries, such as US, for tactical purposes to remain in their high position in state level.
On the other hand, other people believe that global warming is a problem that required an urgent solution. It is already affecting human health in different ways. For instance, the number of kidney stones incidences in the past decade has increased from one in twenty people to one in eleven which is a scary increase (Barraclough, & Agar, 2020, P.4). Also, scientists believe that the most probable reason for increasing the rate of valley fever, deadly illness, is warming climates (Shahzad, 2015, P.4). Therefore, these parts of evidence support the need for an instant solution to minimize or eliminate gas emissions.
Eventually, this argument would never stop, both have several reasons and evidence to support their ideas and point of view. Essentially, in any case or argument it always better to be save rather than sorry, especially when it touches human health because human health is above anything in our world. To understand and have a sense of how the human health is cannot be purchase for the highest price, we can examine cancer diseases. People who has cancer they suffer so much and the cure is actually dangerous and painful and it might kill them. Thus, no one in the world no matter how rich he is, he cannot buy his health again. This was one example and still there are many, therefore, it is always critical to be careful and do all safety precautions regarding any matter that relate to human health. Finally, if human health purchasable, it would be the most expensive thing in the world history.
A. Common Solutions
There are many solutions to reduce gas emissions, especially CO2 gas. First, using hybrid cars instead of regular cars because hybrid vehicles have a lower rate of gas emissions since it has an electric engine along with the normal engine or using electric cars that has only the electric engine, where the electric engine do not emit any gases. Second, using common transportation such as trains and buses. For instance, people should use public transportation or sharing rides with friends to work, for example, to minimize the number of cars, hence reducing gas emissions and also can develop social contact between people and making new friends and can save some gas money. Third, planting trees everywhere. Actually, trees benefit from CO2 gas and convert it to oxygen gas (Burdge, 2017, P.967). Besides, trees can decorate the city and the houses and make them a better looking. Moreover, if you plant trees in your backyard, you can take its fruits and saving your money from buying fruits from the market. The list of solutions is never-ending, but people should have the awareness to implement it because it required a high number of people to make these solutions work.
B. Porous Materials
The previous section was discussing some suggested solutions related to daily human activities. In this section, a solution related to gas emissions from oil factories that emit a massive amount of gases in one place will be discussed.
Porous materials refer to materials that have empty holes inside it. This feature is the key to CO2 capture, which is a solution to eliminate CO2 gas from the source that emit it. The purpose of the holes is to trap CO2 gas in it (Kupgan, Abbott, Hart, & Colina, 2018, P.5490). To clarify the concept, let's consider the porous material is a sponge, and the CO2 gas is water. When water is poured into the sponge, the sponge will absorb it, and that is the theory of CO2 capture. This technique is useful when water is poured directly into the sponge. Therefore, the most suitable place to apply it is in oil factories, where a high amount of gases is emitted in one place.
There are some challenges to this solution. Primarily, it is not efficient if CO2 gas is just trapped inside these holes. Actually, it is not possible to synthesize as many materials to capture the gas and store it. Thus, one solution is reuse the porous material by extracting the gas from the porous material and inject it into a hole inside the earth within a specific depth, and then the material can be used again, figure 2 demonstrate the injection zone (Sivaramanan, 2015, P.18). Another challenge is the synthesis of porous materials because it required certain properties. For instance, it should have high selectivity to CO2 gas and a high rate of capturing at the required condition of temperature and pressure. Therefore, chemists are interested in this area to synthesize better porous materials than the already made.
To sum up, modern lifestyle and technologies development both are interesting and have been helpful for easing our work in different ways. Unfortunately, most of it required burning fossil fuel and causing problems to the environment and human health, such as kidney diseases, due to the large amount of greenhouse gases that been emitted. Optimistically, there are many solutions can be applied to minimize these emissions, but they related to the lifestyle for individuals, therefore, they required many individuals to follow it to be accomplished. Also, there are some solutions that are ongoing and been tested and developing that can solve the problems right from the source. One of which is CO2 capturing technique using porous materials, which are under research to find the best porous material.
Finally, Global warming is a serious problem that caused from emission of greenhouse gases and would affect human health. As discussed earlier, there are many solutions but they are related to the individuals to do it. Therefore, it is recommending to fund and establish awareness campaigns that would point out the problems that can be caused from global warming and advise people to do their part in the solutions. Another recommendation for big companies, especially how has oil factories that mostly located in GCC countries such as KSA, to fund the research that focus in this problem such as pours materials. The last recommendation is for companies that manufactures the machines that emitted gases such as cars companies. It is recommended for them to developed new machines that do not use fossil fuel and use other sources of power.
Barraclough, K. and Agar, J. (2020). Green nephrology. Nature Reviews Nephrology.
Burdge, J. (2017). Chemistry. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, pp.957-976.
Carbon Dioxide Concentration. (2020, February 20). Retrieved April 18, 2020, from
EPA. (2020, March 09). Sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Retrieved from
Klump, M. (2020, January 17). Margaret Klump: Global warming is a hoax. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from https://www(dot)lenconnect(dot)com/opinion/20200119/margaret-klump-global-warming-is-hoax
Kupgan, G., Abbott, L. J., Hart, K. E., & Colina, C. M. (2018). Modeling Amorphous Microporous Polymers for CO2Capture and Separations. Chemical Reviews, 118(11), 5488-5538. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00691
Shahzad, U. (2015). Global Warming: Causes, Effects and Solutions. Researchgate.
Sivaramanan, S. (2015). Global Warming and Climate change, causes, impacts and mitigation. Researchgate. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4889.7128

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Computer Technology on Accounting and its Effects on Employment
Course code:
The Impact of Computer Technology on Accounting and Its Effect on Employment.
* A background on the state of accounting. (Introduction)
* Definition of terms. (First main Idea)
* Introduction to Cost Accounting Standards (CAS).
* Use of IT in managerial capacity.
* Scope (Impact of Technology on accounting) (Second main Idea)
* Positive Impacts
* Maximization of Functionality
* Centralized structure
* Efficient reporting
* Compliance with government regulations
* Easy workflow
* Negative Impacts
* Expensive cost of operation
* Needs training
* Conclusion (Report Summary)
* Recommendations on on how to use technology to our advantage
In modern society, the most significant impact is the ability of companies to come up with computerized systems that track and record financial transactions. Considerable developments in IT have made it possible for accountants to generate and present financial information. Consequently, industries can quickly create internal and external reports to keep up with changing managerial and operation decisions. Furthermore, faster processing and recording of data mean an increase in qualification for aspiring employees. This paper analyzed the phenomenon of computerized accounting systems, their advantages and disadvantages, and the subsequent impact on employment prospects.
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...…..... 14
* Background................................................14
* Definition…………………………………………….…...14
* Scope……………………………………………..............16
* The Positive Impact on Accounting and Employment……..........................................................16
* Maximization of functionality......................16
* Centralized structure ..................................17
* Efficient reporting........................................17
* Compliance with government regulations....18
* Easy workflow...............................................18
* The Negative Impact on Accounting and Employment............................................…………….....20
* It's expensive..................................................20
* Requires training.............................................20
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