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Building a new Airport

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Meeting the Challenges of Constructing a New General Aviation Airport

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Airport Proposal
Airport Proposal
The seriousness accorded to airport security can be traced to September 11, 2001 when the Al-Qaeda network of terrorists used four American commercial airlines to destroy the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. This attack on American soil led to an evolution on how aviation security is handled. This evolution was meant to mitigate the threats that were posed on airline and their passengers. The evolution was necessary especially considering the various threats on commercial aviation after September, 11. One of these was the “shoe bomber” conspiracy that took place in December 2001, in which efforts were made to bring down an Israel airline in Kenya the following year, as well as the cargo bomb plots in 2010 among others. In reaction to these events, the American government and numerous other nations have radically heightened airline security measures in an effort to bar or discourage other attacks. In most case, many of such measures are obvious to the public. This includes measures such as the strengthening of cockpit doors, federalizing the airport security screening employees, as well as the establishment of the Transport Security Administration (TSA). Other measures have also included the deployment of federal air marshals (FAMs) as well as the federal flight deck officers (FFDOs) on every flight as well as the introduction of novel detection equipment and ways (Adler, Ülkü, & Yazhemsky, 2013). These new measures have earned both praise and criticism from different quarters.
Over the years, the government has tried to offer security checkpoint guidelines for General Aviation (GA) passengers. Unlike the commercial airlines, the passengers in General Aviation are better known to the airport personnel, as well as the aircraft operators as opposed to the normal travelers. In most cases, recreational GA commuters are basically allies, family, or contemporaries to the pilot in charge. Charter/sightseeing travelers normally make contact with the pilot or a different flight department staff well before the scheduled flight (Federal Aviation Administration, 2009). During such meetings, any kind of suspicious behavior such as the use of cash for bookings or asking unsuitable questions is noted and alerted to the authorities. In the case of corporate operations, nearly all the people onboard the pilot are not strangers to the pilot (Federal Aviation Administration, 2013). Airport operators should come up with means through which all the people going into the airport can receive guidance into and out of aircraft faction and parking spaces. Before boarding the plane, the pilot on duty should ensure that all the identities of the occupants are verified and that everyone onboard is there by invitation (Transport Security Administration, 2004). Apart from this, the entire luggage onboard should be known to the occupants. This means that the pilot in charge of the plane has the biggest responsibility when it comes to ensuring that the passengers are not a security threat (Raffel, 2014).
Aviation Legislation
There exist different laws that have been enacted by the federal government in terms of secur...
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