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Unit IV ProjectMarketing Plan Project: Phase2.Company: Proctor& Gamble

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Unit IV ProjectMarketing Plan Project: Phase 2  
Company: Proctor & Gamble
In this portion of the project, you will be addressing the marketing strategy for the company you chose in Unit III to develop its marketing plan. This section represents the heart of the marketing plan. Here, this portion enables the marketer to create the necessary strategies for implementation. It also enables the marketer to provide the objective basis for these strategies. The format also enables the marketer to objectively describe, in detail, each section in order to give the marketer’s intended planning audience the ability to judge the soundness of the proposed strategies. It is important to be as specific and detailed as possible. It will help in judging the plan’s effectiveness and use of required resources in the next section. In this assignment, you will research, analyze, and create the marketing plan sections described below. 
Marketing Strategy: Using the sections below, describe your selected company’s marketing strategy in sufficient and objective detail. 
Objectives: Describe, in detail, the specific elements that make up the marketing strategy. This enables management to create and implement strategies that can be measured and corrected. If challenges arise, then corrective strategies can be objectively created and promptly implemented. 
Target Markets: List the segmented target markets that align with your selected company’s products. This is important as all marketing strategies begin with the following: segmentation, targeting, and positioning. 
Positioning: Identify your selected company’s positioning attributes. These would be a brand description and its benefits. In addition, you will need to describe your brand’s points of difference and points of parity. 
Strategies: Describe your strategies for the following categories: product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and marketing communications strategy. Together, these strategies identify decisions about product mix and brands (product strategy), setting product prices and/or adjusting prices to competitor pricing (pricing strategy), assessment of existing and potential channel value effectiveness (distribution strategy), and a communication plan to all target market audiences and channel members (marketing communications). 
Marketing Mix: Describe the implemented programs and/or tactics that would support the product, pricing, distribution, and marketing communications strategies. 
o Since this is the stage in which other departments can become involved, demonstrate the coordination needed for the best strategies implementation. 
o Marketing Research: Describe how marketing research supports the basis of your created strategies and implementation plans. Show how the objective insights gathered from marketing research add customer value for your selected company’s products. Your assignment will be a minimum of three pages in length. Ensure that you identify each section with a heading in your assignment. You should reference at least three sources to support this section of your marketing plan. Your sources may also include outside sources as well. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and follow APA formatting, and quoted or paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations. 

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Proctor and Gamble Company Marketing Strategy
Institutional Affiliation
Proctor and Gamble Company Marketing Strategy
Proctor and Gamble Company-P&G is a multinational company based in Ohio-US. It mainly produces consumer goods used all over the world. In its operations, Proctor and Gamble incorporates several approaches that lead to its success. In this study, the writer explains the company’s marketing strategy, its objectives, marketing mix, positioning, target market, and the relevance of market research.
Market Strategy
Proctor and Gamble Company uses the pull and generic marketing strategies in its operations. With the help of the generic plan, the company has a competitive advantage, which enables it to remain sounding amidst competition from rivals. The strategy encourages differentiation, which emphasizes the value and quality of the company's products (Cervantes Crimson, Figueroa, & Hess, 2015). It is for the uniqueness of its products that this company ranks in its current position. On the other hand, the pull strategy allows P&G to attract and maintain potential and existing customers, respectively. It offers a suitable means of increasing the demand for the company's products.
To regain its market leadership and the thriving momentum for growth in Europe by maximally utilizing any growth opportunities in major trading centers.
To attain a significant market share for its leading brands in all developed nations.
To offer consumers high-quality commodities that meet their needs adequately with the help of continuous innovation.
To contribute significantly towards the conservation and sustainability of the environment where the company works.
Target Markets
P&G has five main product segments, and these include beauty, Grooming, Health care, Fabric, and home care, and Baby, feminine, and family care products (P&G, 2017). The segment of beauty care targets all people who seek beautification of their appearances. The grooming segment aims at satisfying the needs of both male and female adults with shaving issues. Contrary, the baby, feminine, and family care segment focuses on babies and females only. The health care segment does not discriminate as all people need its products.
Brand positioning is one crucial aspect carried out by Proctor and Gamble Company. The practice aims at painting a convincing image that differentiates the company's brands from its competitors in the minds of customers. In this aspect, P&G offers unique products and brands to meet the needs of its customers and uses relabel channels for distributing these goods (Wider, 2014). Besides, it uses existing facts and brand ambassadors to disseminate information that would persuade potential clients to purchase the company’s commodities. All these reflect the benefits customers would enjoy if they bought products from this company. With an intensive persuasion through consistent advertisements, P&G can capture the attention and favor of many people, who become loyal after using several of its products. Although both the company’s products and its competitors serve the same market, the positive mental perception imparted in th...
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