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Strategic Analysis Project: Conclusions. Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

*Time Sequence: This is nothing more than a detailed timeline for your goals. Therefore, make sure you are as precised as possible, for those of you whose goals are to happen within a year provide the timeline quarterly at the minimum. Also remember to provide successive measurements over time. For instance, "Q1(January-March): Roll out mobile application in major cities in the east coast. Begin test markets in the Midwest for the mobile application. Q2 (April-June): Increase of mobile sales by 50%. Complete roll out of the mobile app in the Midwest., etc." Again this is just an example.
*Pros/Cons: I would consolidate these two under the same section rather than have them in separate sections. But please make sure you label them correctly (don't make me guess). What are the Pros/Cons of the operation/goals as you begin to roll them out. You have probably already done this in your past assignments but try to provide more information with this assignment more detail or in-depth discussion. Explain to me why this is good or a challenge?
*Cost of reversibility: This section outlines the cost of reverting the process if it does not work out. What will it cost you to return to where you were before you started this process. For instance, if you invest in new machinery and you have to sell it for below the price you pay for it. Or if you invested in R&D or implementation, what risk in terms of cost of this operation? I know some of you may be worried about using "made up figures", but use the information you provided in Assignment 6 to guide you in doing this analysis. I am not concerned about whether the numbers are correct, but rather how you rationalize/explain and analyze the situation?
*Summary/Conclusion: Based on your research, what plan should you pursue, 1, 2 or all of them. Please explain your answer and provide context. Show me that you have really internalized this information and you are able to make a decision based on the totality of the circumstances/information you have gathered. In other words, is it a calculated risk?
*52-Week High/Low: In the business world, investors usually do a 52-Week High/Low analysis looking at the highest and lowest price at which the stock trades in order to determine if there is a positive trend. For this assignment, I would like for you to look at what has your company traded in the past 52 weeks, determine the high and low price and decide whether you would sell, buy, or hold in anticipation of a value pay.

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Strategic Analysis Project: Conclusions
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Strategic Analysis Project: Conclusions
Time Sequence
Today, Starbucks is primarily involved in complete operations in over 162 countries. Since its founding in 1972, the retailer company has been conducting business around the world until today, to begin with, its evolution has been fuelled by data and technology over time which has defined its quick evolution in the past ten years. For instance, when the industry experienced a slowdown in the year 2009, the company has since taken to a consistent decade growth with the pinpoint technology solutions such as the company application (Geereddy, 2013 p.5). This growth has subsequently been driven by the introduction of the Starbuck Card Mobile application which combines the company’s payments with the industry value of its product. For the next five years, the company may be able to generate a targeted industry revenue through the mobile-order-and-pay offers and other several online payment options (Larson, 2008). The technological have offered powerful results for the company and their consistent development will most likely lead to an improved industry performance.
Pros and Cons
The current business objectives of Starbucks are a good step towards the maximization of revenues to 100%. Data driven in-house development of the company’s business also provides an integrated performance in order to connect the publishers and advertisers (Geereddy, 2013). Eventually, the company will enable mobile users to receive the right message and provide full transparency to all of its customers. Additionally, the Starbucks Card Mobile is also the largest mobile-payment initiative in the U.S. today, and would provide the company’s customers with the needed functionality for payment options.
Starbucks may face challenges in product differentiation due to its expensive products. In times of economic sluggishness such as that experienced in 2009, the premium prices provided through the Starbucks Card Mobile Application may experience some weaknesses especially in developing countries where low prices are the order of the day (Brennan & Schafer, 2010). Additionally, the aggressive expansion of the company’s business into the online platform may also experience what is known as self-cannibalization which mostly results from overcrowding. Thus, the quick expansion into the U.S. and the general global market presents the company with a market position that is characterized by overcrowding which is known to diminish the long-term growth of any business.
Cost of Reversibility
Current statements and trends of the recent years indicate that there are potential barriers that may res...
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