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Dobbs: The Clinton cartel will do anything to hide the truth

Research Paper Instructions:

Follow the instructions in guidelines of Assignment 4-quantitative content analysis.


Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Tutorial Participation (10%) Due: Weekly/Ongoing Completing assigned short weekly tutorial exercises is mandatory in this course. Teaching assistants will signal each week these exercises. The participation grade for the course is calculated from these exercises which have been coordinated with the instructor and the super TA. Students are allowed to miss only two exercises without it impacting their participations marks. Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Assignment 1 – Literature Review (10%) Due: 11:59 pm, September 25, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Using the McMaster Library databases, search for peer reviewed literature specific to media and communication and the Idle No More movement in Canada. Create a bibliography consisting of 20 sources. This should be attached to your assignment as an appendix. From the identified sources, select the most relevant ones and construct a literature review. At the end of your paper, include a bibliography that lists the sources you have actually used in your writing. By the end of your literature review make sure you have responded (supported by evidence) to the question: What one ‘gap’ have you identified in the literature that you would hypothetically contribute to filling if you were to carry out the project? This assignment should be 4 – 5 pages long (approximately 1000 – 1250 words), doublespaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA 7, and must include a bibliography. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction The introduction could include some stats/info from popular press about the Idle No More movement. The introduction should state what the line of inquiry is or what your preliminary research question is, a rationale. The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body Organize the literature by theme or category, rather than just presenting one source after the other. The body should critically analyse and evaluate the scholarly literature and its findings (you can address shortcomings; what one ‘gap’ have you identified in the literature?). Conclusion In your conclusion, summarize/reiterate the key themes. Summarise the ‘gap’ have you identified in the literature that you would hypothetically contribute to filling if you were to carry out the project. References In the bibliography, only include sources you have actually used in your writing. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 2 Body Thematic organization/categorization of literature Critical analysis of the literature Identification of the ‘gap’ 1 3 1 Conclusion 2 References 1 Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Assignment 2 – Theory Assignment (10%) Due: 11:59pm, October 9, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Drawing on critical race and postcolonial theories discussed in class, critically analyse the video posted on Avenue to Learn (see folder titled ‘Assignment 2 Videos’). Analyse the video titled ‘Analyse this Video for Assignment 2.’ For context of the video you are required to analyse, please see the article titled ‘South Africa - White woman teaching black staff how to wash hands causes outrage, person who recorded speaks.’ In this assignment, students need to have some knowledge about race relations in apartheid South Africa. Two videos have been posted on Avenue to Learn to introduce this history (see videos titled ‘Background Video - Apartheid in South Africa (1957)’ and ‘Background Video - Black and White in South Africa (1957)’). At the end of the paper, students should reflect on the extent they were able/not able to apply the key ideas of the theories. This assignment should be 4 – 5 pages long (approximately 1000 – 1250 words), doublespaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA 7, and must include a bibliography. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction The introduction could include some info about race relations in apartheid South Africa. The introduction should state what the line of inquiry is or what your preliminary research question is, a rationale. The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body − State the key ideas in critical race and/or postcolonial theories. − Analyse the contents (the characters in the video, their positionings and their actions) in relation to ideas in the theories. − To what extent does what is happening in the video confirm or refute the ideas proposed by critical race and postcolonial theorists? − Avoid summarising the contents of the video without engaging with the theories. Conclusion In your conclusion, summarize/reiterate the key themes. Reflect on the extent you were able/not able to apply the key ideas of the theories. References You will have a total of 5 sources: 1. Two course readings and 2. Three other academically credible sources relevant to the paper. ‘Academically credible sources’ include but not limited to peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, academic books, edited books etc. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 2 Body Understanding of the theory Application of the theory Assessment of the extent happenings in the video confirm or refute the ideas proposed by critical race and postcolonial theorists 1 3 1 Conclusion 2 References 1 Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Midterm Assignment (20%) Due: 11:59pm, October 23, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Drawing on theoretical ideas on Orientalism by Edward Said discussed in class, critically analyse all the photographs posted on Avenue to Learn (see folder titled ‘Midterm Assignment Photographs’). Students are required to insert the photographs into their assignments. The final assignment should be 7 – 8 pages in length (or approximately 1750 – 2000 words), double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA, and must include a bibliography. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction The introduction could include some info about Edward Said and Orientalism. The introduction should state what the line of inquiry is or what your preliminary research question is, a rationale. The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body − State the key theoretical ideas on Orientalism by Edward Said. − Critically analyse all the images posted on Avenue to Learn in relation to ideas in the theory. − To what extent do the images confirm or refute the ideas proposed by Said? − What are the possible implications for the representations in the photographs? (After the discussion of each photo, please address this point). − Avoid just summarising what you see in the images without engaging with the theory. Conclusion In your conclusion, summarize/reiterate the key themes. Reflect on the extent you were able/not able to apply the key ideas proposed by Said. References You will have a total of 10 sources: 1. Two course readings and 2. Eight other academically credible sources relevant to the paper. ‘Academically credible sources’ include but not limited to peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, academic books, edited books etc. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 4 Body Understanding of the theory Application of the theory Assessment of the extent the images confirm or refute the ideas proposed by Said Possible implications of the representations in each photo 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Conclusion 4 References 2 Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Assignment 3 – Ethnographic Assignment (15%) Due: 11:59pm, November 13, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Students are required to simulate elements of an ethnography and record their use of media (broadly defined) over one day. Students are required to observe themselves and make detailed notes (thick descriptions). These notes should be attached to the assignment. This assignment requires students use thematic analysis to analyse the data. At the end of their assignments, students are required to reflect on their experiences of doing the ‘ethnography.’ This essay should be 5 – 6 pages long (approximately 1250 – 1500 words), double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA, and must include a bibliography. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction The introduction could include some info about the kinds of media that you engage with, the contexts and times of media consumption etc. The introduction should state what the line of inquiry is or what your preliminary research question is, a rationale. The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body − What one theory discussed in the course can you use to assist you in thinking about media in your life? Justify your choice of theory. − Organize your findings by theme or category, rather than just narrating everything in you gathered. − Engage (reference one specific study) with the main findings of one similar study done by others (to what extent are your patterns of media use similar or dissimilar to findings of your selected study? What factors do you attribute to some of the similarities and dissimilarities that you identify?). − In your presentation of findings, you can also link back to your past uses of media, compare your habits with other people in your family e.g. parents, grandparents etc. You can write this assignment in the first person. Conclusion Reflect on how some key ideas in the theory you identified were confirmed/or not confirmed by the patterns in your own life. Also reflect on one strength and one weakness of the ‘ethnographic’ study that you conducted. Time and resources permitting, how would you develop this study further? References You will have a total of 5 sources: 1. Two course readings and 2. Three other academically credible sources relevant to the paper. ‘Academically credible sources’ include but not limited to peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, academic books, edited books etc. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 1 Body Organization of findings by theme Identification and justification of theory Engagement with one other study Engagement with past media use 2 2 2 1 Conclusion 3 Attachments: Detailed field notes 3 References 1 Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Assignment 4 – Quantitative Content Analysis (15%) Due: 11:59pm, November 30, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Students are required to go to the Fox News YouTube channel and map the coverage of former US Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton by this television station over a selected twoweek period. Students are required to identify the two-week period and motivate for their choice. Students should: 1) Create a hypothesis/research question that can be responded to by a quantitative content analysis; 2) Conduct a concise literature review and 3) State one theory anchoring their paper. Students can use theories discussed in class or find other theories that they consider relevant. Students are also required to: 4) Design the project (include the unit of analysis, the population, the sample etc) and 5) Develop a codebook and coding sheets (these have to be attached to the assignment). Lastly, students should: 6) Conduct a pilot and 7) Reflect on the experience of coding (what changes would students make to their codebooks?). This essay should be 5 – 6 pages long (approximately 1250 – 1500 words), double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA, and must include a list of references. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction A sentence or two providing key information about the political leanings of Fox News as well as former US Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. State your hypothesis that can be responded to by a quantitative content analysis. The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body − Provide a concise literature review of studies that have looked at the coverage of Hillary Clinton by media in the US. The review should discuss five studies. − State one theory anchoring your paper. Students can use theories discussed in class or find other theories that they consider relevant. Concisely state why you think that the theory is relevant. − Research design (include the unit of analysis, the population, the sample etc). − Preliminary findings from the pilot organized thematically. Conclusion Reflect on the experience of coding (what changes would students make to their codebooks?) References You will have a total of 5 sources: 1. Two course readings and 2. Three other academically credible sources relevant to the paper. ‘Academically credible sources’ include but not limited to peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, academic books, edited books etc. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 1 Body Concise lit review Theory and justification Research design Preliminary findings 2 3 3 1.5 Conclusion 1.5 Attachments: Codebook and coding sheets 2 References 1 Fall 2020 2TM6: Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods Final Assignment (20%) Due: 11:59pm, December 14, 2020 on Avenue to Learn Students are required to select one Canadian media organization and critically analyse the ways Syrian refugees were represented in articles posted online over a two-week period. Students have to identify the two-week period and motivate for their choice. The assignment requires students to use qualitative textual analysis. The assignment should contain an introduction and background, research questions, concise literature review (media and communication related literature only), theoretical/conceptual framework, methods section, findings (organised thematically), a conclusion and a bibliography. The final assignment should be 7 – 8 pages in length (or approximately 1750 – 2000 words), double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, formatted using APA, and must include a bibliography. Papers must be submitted to the course Avenue to Learn Dropbox. Please do not reference lecture slides. All the content covered on the slides is from the required readings posted on A2L. Marks will be lost for poorly structured papers with incoherent arguments, poor grammar, punctuation and inconsistent referencing both in-text and in the list of references. Guidelines Introduction Brief information (maximum three sentences) about the crisis in Syria and Syrian refugees in Canada. The introduction should state what the line of inquiry is or what your preliminary research question is, a rationale. State in a sentence or two the choice of media and justification. What period will the assignment focus and why (one or two sentences). The introduction should conclude with a preview of what themes/categories will be contained in the body. Body − Provide a concise literature review (media and communication related literature only). − Theoretical/conceptual framework – select and discuss one theory discussed in class that will anchor your assignment. Briefly (3 sentences maximum) how your selected theory is relevant to the assignment. − Research methods section – describe (with the aid of references) research methods used in the assignment. − Presentation of findings (organised thematically). Conclusion In your conclusion, summarize/reiterate the key themes. Reflect on the extent you were able/not able to apply the key ideas proposed in the theory you selected. References You will have a total of 10 sources: 1. Two course readings and 2. Eight other academically credible sources relevant to the paper. ‘Academically credible sources’ include but not limited to peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, academic books, edited books etc. Category Marks Allocated Introduction 4 Body Concise literature review Theoretical/conceptual framework Research methods section Presentation of findings 2 3 3 3 Conclusion 2.5 References 2.5

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Quantitative Content Analysis
Name Course Instructor Date
Dobbs: The Clinton cartel will do anything to hide the truth - Fox Business (Oct 17, 2016)
FBI reopens investigation into Hillary Clinton's email use (Oct 28, 2016)
Hillary Clinton and the law (Oct 31, 2016)
Fox News is a conservative or right-leaning site that favored the Republican candidate President Trump. In the 2016 US Presidential Election, Fox News broadcasted negative coverage of his opponent Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton including questioning her credibility.
The 2016 US Presidential Election was held on 8th November 2016, and the period that was chosen is October 17, 2016, to October 31, 2016, which was less than one month to the election. The final presidential debate had occurred on Oct 19th, 2016, within a two-week period. It is hypothesized that Fox News would focus on negative coverage of Hillary Clinton to boost Trump’s image and standing among the electorate. The media representation of Hillary Clinton in conservative media outlets was negative, highlighting Hillary Clinton as being an unfit and corrupt woman incapable of leading, unlike Trump.
Literature review
Nee & De Maio (2019) focus on the gendered framing of Hillary Clinton in doctored images (memes), which reinforced past mass media negative portrayal of Clinton. Hillary
Clinton. Clinton was portrayed as less feminine when compared to many other women standing in the elective posts. As a first lady, the media represented her as one who was focused too much on power and was not nurturing (Nee & De Maio, 2019). As a female candidate, she was also portrayed as weak and lacking the moral character to lead. While the article mostly focuses on doctored meme images in social media, the researchers highlighted that mass media reinforced negative female stereotypes, but to a lesser extent than the memes.
Partisan media outlets reinforce positive or negative perceptions about a candidate and the media portrayal as the first female presidential candidate on a major party ticket. Lau, Bligh & Kohles (2020) draws from the Social Identity of leadership to understand the portrayal of Hillary Clinton in social media and mass media politically leaning outlets and non-mainstream outlets reported differently from the more neutral outlets. Gender and political affiliation are social identities that influence attitudes towards political candidates and their suitability. There were different media portrayals of Clinton based on partisanship with the conservative outlets highlighting her as being incompetent.
Computer vision techniques are helpful to evaluate media representation and bias through visual persuasion. In a study by Peng (2018), the researcher highlighted that data analysis tools applied to computer vision and facial emotion analysis showed that Clinton was shown more smiling, and Trump showed anger and dominance. There was an analysis of visual content of 2016 U.S. presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, from 15 news websites focusing facial expressions and emotions. There was a partisan portrayal of the two candidates across various media outlets. A...
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