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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Nutrition Vitamin A: 35 Year Old Fireman Case Assignment

Research Paper Instructions:

Michael’s Vitamin A Intake
Michael is 35 year old fireman. A recent 24 hour food recall shows that his vitamin A intake is 920 µg/day.
Would this level of intake be enough to meet Michael’s needs for vitamin A? Why? Why not?
What other information would you gather to better answer the first question?
Notes: This topic is more about what factors affect our requirements for nutrients and what DRIs mean. You will need to look up the current DRIs for vitamin A, although it is not necessary to elaborate on the functions of vitamin A- we will have a whole week to study vitamin A. 

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition Vitamin A

Michael is 35 year old fireman. A recent 24 hour food recall shows that his vitamin A intake is 920 µg/day. Would this level of intake be enough to meet Michael’s needs for vitamin A? Why? Why not? What other information would you gather to better answer the first question?
The recommended daily intake of vitamins A for men above 18 years of age is 900 µg/day and nutrient recommendations ensure there is optimal growth, development and better health outcomes (NIH, 2016). In assessing Michael’s Vitamin A requirements, the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are compared with the nutrient intake, and they are influenced by age, sex, health status and weight. Since the DRI represents, the nutrient intake that has been identified to meet the nutritional needs to Michael, it meets the recommendations for the vitamin. Vitamin A can be in the form of retinal, retinoic acid and retinol, and the time helps in the growth of cells and reducing the risk of preventable blindness.
Taking into account the DRIs are important to us the reference value of making decisions on whether to change the diet or maintain it. Even though, Michael’s Vitamin intake was 920 µg/day there is a need to determine whether there has been consistent and whether they have been sufficient in meeting the nutrient requirements. Considering Michael’s history is an important aspect of health planning, as decisions are made based on nutrient requirements. Both low intake of vitamins and high intake are a cause of concern as they affect health outcomes (Kraemer et al., 2012). There is a tolerable vitamin A intake level, and going beyond this level is associated with adverse health effects.
Public interest in the impact of vitamin in influencing the health outcome is not misplaced, especially since there are preventive capabilities. More is not always better in the case of nutrient intake, and scientific evidence is the necessary to determine the appropriate levels of Vitamin A intake (West, 2000). Even when Michael has obtained sufficient amounts of Vitamin A also depends the...
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