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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Research Online Leadership Test And Staff Motivation

Research Paper Instructions:

there are 2 topics justanswer to the questiones of topics
under there is a rubric in how my teacher grades it .
the website for the first topic pleas let me know where so if my teacher asks i know where to go
also the reference pages please make sure they have www...retrieved from.. so i too can access if i need too.
i have a file attached .
thank you

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Lavel Topic One and Two
Institutional Affiliation
Topic 1
The online leadership test taken via the queendom website portrays me as an individual with good communication skills. In essence, am excellent in communicating the vision of an organization with a 71% scoreCITATION Que17 \l 1033 (Queendom, 2017). The test results align with my democratic kind of leadership which I credit myself with. A democratic leader values communication with those he leads. In the clinical world, I observed this kind of leadership in the emergency section. The lead nurse was encouraging other clinicians as they tried to reinstate an accident victim. Instead of ordering around and dictating, the lead nurse had control of the situation and calmly talked to those around. Definitely, the nurse approach enabled the team to successfully stabilize the near-to-death patient. Otherwise, authoritative and poor communication in such a scenario would send panic and unproductivity within the medical team.
Topic 2
Staff motivation has been evident in the clinical working environment. The evidence emanating from how friendly managers and c...
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