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1 page/≈275 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 5.18

PICOT Demonstrates Applicability To Nursing Profession

Research Paper Instructions:

The Research Question: I want my nursing research question on geriatric nursing. Please send me a drift of the question so I will show it to my instructor.
The learner will reflect on clinical practice and write a research question. The question will be developed by using the PICOT framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time). The learner will identify a question; as follows, what individual or group am I curious about? (population) What key intervention am I curious about? (intervention) What intervention will I be comparing? (comparison) What do I hope to accomplish, or What would happen if I did this? (How much time will the intervention take to achieve the desired effects? The aim of the research question is to add to the body of nursing knowledge and promote best practices. The question will guide the Literature Review and subsequent Research Proposal. The PICOT should have a clinical focus.
P-I-C-O-T Rubric % This is a Pass/Fail assignment
Contains all elements of a Nursing Research Question
Weight YES/Pass NO/Fail
Patient/Population 20%
Intervention 20%
Comparison 20%
Outcome 20%
Timing 20%
Total: (100% possible)
PICOT demonstrates applicability to nursing profession
Automatic Fail if other than  YES
Submitted by deadline -20% if second attempt -NO LATE ASSIGNEMENT ACCEPTED
*Participated in PICOT PEER REVIEW Forum
Comments: *If the learner participated in the PICOT PEER REVIEW Forum and the did not receive a total of PASS on the assignment a resubmission will be allowed and will be due within 24 hours of the original deadline; there is an automatic 20% deduction if
FYI: Please sent me all article used (Primary sources)

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Research Nursing Question – PICOT
Research Nursing Question – PICOT
Identifying the PICOT contents:
Patient/Population - Geriatric patients admitted in acute care units Intervention – Does the use of palliative care Comparison - The use of normal care Outcome – Improving the health condition of the patient Time - ...
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