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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Refugee Access to Healthcare in Canada. Medicine Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

This assignment is a draft paper for your final essay.You will choose one of the BROAD topics below (1-4) and then develop a more specific theme within this topic and a concise thesis statement. Your paper should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages in length (no more than 5 pages), font Times New Roman 12, with page numbers. It must include between 4 - 5 scholarly references, properly referenced.
2. You need to then come up with an issue or challenge within one of the broad topics above to write your paper on. We will work in tutorial together to develop this. We will be delving into the topics above throughout the readings and lectures, so you can formulate an issue to write your paper on as we move through the semester.

3. Critical Perspective: At all times, your writing should have a critical perspective. Do not simply describe an issue. You must examine reasons for the issue, try to explain how it has come to be, possible solutions or obstacles towards its resolution, other contributing factors that might have been overlooked, etc. When possible, provide contrasting viewpoints.

4. Your paper draft must include the following:
- Cover pagewhich includes a working title, course details, due date, your information (name and student number), name of your tutorial leader, and tutorial group number. The cover page does not count in the page count for your paper draft.

- Section 1: Introduction Indicate clearly what you intend to examine in your final paper. Your introduction will contain your thesis statement or organizing argument. This can be written as a question. Be as specific as possible. For example, a strong thesis statement / question is: “How do doctor attitudes create barriers to care for people with disabilities?” A weak one for the same topic is: “What are barriers to health for people with disabilities?” (this is too broad and big for a short paper). Make sure the problem or issue you explore is one that is looking at the system and not the individual, we are looking for ways to change the system to meet the needs of people and not fit people into a system that is not working for all.

- Section 2: Background and context: The next section of your paper will contain background information for your topic and provide some context. What are some of the key historical moments or milestones for this area of concern? How did this issue develop? Etc.

- Sections 3-5: Discussion: The body of your paper draft will consist of separate sections, with subtitles, each section covering a different point that supports your thesis statement or organizing argument. Use subtitles to indicate what you are going to discuss in the next section. Within each section, use complete sentences, and draw from the academic literature to support your arguments.

- Conclusion: Draw conclusions and pull your paper’s main points together. Do not introduce new material at this point in your paper.

- Reference List: Your paper draft must use 5-6 academic references. These include articles from peer-reviewed academic journals, books, or government documents. You may use up to two course readings. Newspaper and magazine articles may be used but do not count as academic references. The list must be done in APA style. The reference list does not count in your page count.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Refugee Access to Healthcare in Canada
Due Date
Refugee Access to Healthcare in Canada
In the past few years, the world has seen an increase in the number of refugees. The developed nations, especially countries in Europe, has seen a surge in the number of refugees seeking asylum in their countries. Canada and the United States have also seen an increase in the number of people crossing their borders in search of better lives. By 2016, the population of immigrants in Canada accounted for 22% of the Canadian population (Lu & Ng, 2019). The researchers continue to say that between 2018 and 2020, Canada is projected to have an additional one million immigrants within its borders. When immigrants arrive, they are expected to share the resources and services of the host country. Host countries are also called to answer whenever it is revealed that immigrants or refugees are maligned or are subjected to any discrimination. Canada, for example, is thus expected to ensure the protection and delivery of services to all immigrants and refugees in equal measure. Additionally, with regards to healthcare, Saberpor (2015) notes that “Canada’s obligation under International Law guarantees the right of every individual to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, which must be exercised without any discrimination.” So, upon receipt of refugees and immigrants, Canada is expected to ensure the protection and healthcare needs of immigrants are catered for. However, in spite of the above, refugees have not been in receipt of apt healthcare needs because of the language barrier. The language barrier is but one of the many barriers to the healthcare needs of refugees, but its contribution to refugees’ healthcare outcomes warrants scrutiny. So, this article seeks to examine how language creates a barrier to refugees’ receipt of adequate care in Canada.
Background and context
The UN 1951 Convention defines a refugee as “someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.” So, all refugees are immigrants, but not all immigrants are refugees. Canada has been one of the countries that take in more refugees than any other in the world. In 2018, for example, Canada “accepted just over 28,000 refugees,” and this number was more than that of the U.S. As some countries in the world continue to plunge into war, the world will continue to see an influx in the number of refugees. One thing that is evident and obvious in refugees is that they are a heterogeneous group. So, McKeary and Newbold (2010) write that “differences including origin, journey, health status before and after flight, culture, and refugee status, will have differential impacts on both their health status and their access to health care.” The heterogeneity of refugees means that they will respond differently to certain things in the host country, and also may have a problem speaking the national language of the host nation. Difficulties in speaking the host nation’s dialect di...
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