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3 Sources
Research Paper
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Is Egypt A Democracy, An Autocracy, Or Something In Between

Research Paper Instructions:

Answer this question "Is Egypt a democracy, an autocracy, or something in between?"
To do the research, all students are required to look up and use the most recent country reports for their country from both Freedom House and Human Rights Watch. In addition, you should find recent news articles about politics in your country to find out whether there are events that illuminate the representativeness of politics there. This should not be a simple yes or no question, but a weighing of those things that are more democratic, and why, and of those things that are less democratic, and why. Even in clear cut cases you can illustrate your conclusion with multiple examples for why you conclude that it has one kind of government or another.
Pick at least 3 sources from list:
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The Boston Globe
Time Magazine
The Economist
BBC News
The Associated Press Bloomberg
Buzzfeed World News
Research essays should generally follow this format:
• Introduction
• Institutions
• Politics
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
The introduction section should inform the reader what country you are writing about and preview your conclusion. You should also give the reader a reason to be interested in about your topic. For most papers this will be about 1 paragraph long.
In the institutions section you should describe the institutions of government. This would be a description of the constitution and the formal institutions of governmental power. It may be appropriate to give a brief history of how those institutions were created and how long they have been in place. This should be in the range of 1-3 paragraphs.
The section on politics will take up most of the paper, because this where you will describe how things really work in your country. Do the people choose the leaders, or do the leaders control the people? What evidence do you have about where power is located in this country? What do recent events illuminate about how politics works there, and whether the trend in that place is toward democracy or toward something else? This might be anywhere from 8-20 paragraphs in length.
The conclusion states your final assessment of nature of politics in that country, and will reiterate your strongest evidence in support of that view. You might also use the conclusion to say what this case can tell us about politics in other countries, such as the US, or you could make recommendations about what could be done to improve democracy in your country of study. This will probably be 1-3 paragraphs long.
The bibliography must list all sources referenced in the paper. The bibliography must follow a citation format, preferably either APA or Chicago, and should be arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each piece. It should also match the formatting of the rest of the document. Any sources drawn from the web must include a URL, because I do look up your sources. I take bibliographies seriously and regularly deduct points for bibliographies that do not meet these standards. It takes awhile to get your citation and bibliography right so be sure to leave a few hours to get this part of the paper done correctly.
This raises the topic of citation. The fastest way to lose points is to fail to cite material you derived from one of your sources. You must have a citation at the end of any sentence in which you assert evidence or a claim that you derived from a source other than your own independent thinking. Failure to do so is plagiarism. If you have multiple sentences in a row that are derived from the same source, you can just put a citation at the end of the last sentence in that sequence.
You must also be sure that all empirical claims that you make in the paper are in fact true, and assure the reader that this is the case. The way you do this is to find a reliable source that will support an empirical claim you make that is not common knowledge. Remember that you are writing to persuade a critical thinker, and a critical thinker does not accept any assertions that are not supported by citation to a reliable source.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Is Egypt a Democracy, an Autocracy, or Something in Between?
Institution of Affiliation
The research paper draws attention to Egypt, one of the world’s oldest nations. It is believed that ancient Egypt civilization lasted for approximately thirty centuries, the longest civilization in the human history. As the oldest nation, the country has gone through lot revolutions. At one time they could control foreign territories while at other occasions they were conquered. A good example is during the colonial era when Britain colonized the sovereign civilization, the Egyptians also ruled to the extent of the modern day Sudan. Maybe that is why a large amount of these transition marks is reputable to the present world. For instance, the ancient Egyptians were the first people to develop a writing system. It is also known for historical sites like the pyramids of Giza, Abu Simbel, Karnak Temple, the Valley of Kings and Memorial Temple of Hatshepsut; some of which were built by the different leaders who led Egypt. As the oldest nation, it is expected to have developed a good governmental system that will help it run smoothly. However, the reality is different. For example, on July 2013, the army overthrew President Morsi after a long spell of mass demonstrations calling on him to quit office. Additionally, the government has been severally accused of victimization of its citizens by some individuals and groups, including the social media and human rights groups. These plus other reasons are the key motivators for this research paper that seek to find out whether Egypt is a democratic or an autocratic nation or something in between?
In July 2013, President Mohammed Morsi resigned following a military coup. Shortly a year after his resignation the Egyptians passed a new constitution that left out many of the Islamic conservative features that featured in the 2012 constitution. These changes came as a result of revolutions that demanded change in the system of governance. The Constitution forbids the formation of parties based on religion and guarantees all Egyptians equal treatment before the law. It also affirms people’s right to form unions, to peaceful assembly and to vote. Under the constitution, the president must be an Egyptian and at least forty years old. The elected president rules a four year term, and one additional term can extend the duration. The president has the right to appoint the prime minister (who heads the government), ministers and their assistants. He has the power to reduce sentences or grant amnesty and appoint military officials. The president has the right to declare war after consulting the national defense council.
The legislative power resides in the hands of House of Representatives, which are composed of members elected for a term of five years. The members House of Representatives examine and approve all laws and ratify the national budget. They have the right to question ministers and can dismiss them depending on the charges placed against them. With a two-thirds majority, the House of Representatives can impeach the president.
The Republic of Egypt has operated under a number of constitutions. For instance, we have the 1923 c...
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