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3 pages/≈825 words
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Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Law and Crime: Wisconsin v. Jessy Kurczewski

Research Paper Instructions:

Your Final Project, which will be completed via PackBack Deep Dives will be to observe a live criminal trial via the Law and Crime on YouTube, CourtTV, or a Zoom trial in any jurisdiction in the US.
Your paper must include the following:
1.Name of the case (i.e., State of Florida vs John Smith)
3.Summary of the case facts
4.Names of parties involved (defendant, prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, lead investigating officer)
5.Identify any ethical issues that arose (or could arise) from each party based on the case – including the police involved.
6.The verdict
7.Do you believe the verdict was correct? Why or why not?
Feel free to do outside research regarding the case to understand the full context, but I expect the paper to reflect your observations of the actual trial. Word count minimum is 750 words, double spaced.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Law and Crime
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
Name of Case
Wisconsin v. Jessy Kurczewski
* First-degree intentional murder.
* Over $100,000 in movable property theft.
* Theft of over $10,000 but under $100,000 moveable property.
Summary of the Case Facts
Wisconsin v. Jessy Kurczewski involves the 2018 strange death of Lynn Hernan, who was accused of poisoning her affluent friend with eye drops. The emergency call was made when Kurczewski found Hernan unconscious and not breathing at her home. Hernan's body was found on a recliner with a lot of crushed medication on her chest and a dish with more crushed pills, suggesting an accidental overdose. In January 2019, toxicology testing revealed that Hernan had died from a lethal quantity of eye drop component Tetrahydrozoline. Such changed the story from accidental overdose to intentional poisoning. On June 4, 2021, Kurczewski was arrested for first-degree intentional homicide, theft over $100,000, and theft over $10,000 but less than $100,000 (Law & Crime, 2023). Kurczewski gave police several explanations for Hernan's death as the investigation continued. Hernan may have staged her death by deliberately placing crushed pills on her chest, she suggested. Kurczewski claimed Hernan was poisoning herself by mixing Visine with alcohol.
After her companion persisted, Kurczewski confessed to giving Hernan a water bottle with six Visine bottles. Kurczewski stated that Hernan's death was assisted suicide because she grudgingly agreed to her wishes following a violent disagreement. Another prospective witness, a Taycheedah Correctional Institution inmate, complicated the case. The inmate said Kurczewski confessed to giving Hernan Visine to die, but the prosecution's account differed. While the state's case focused on financial gain, Kurczewski claimed she cared for Hernan and wanted to help 

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