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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Literature & Language
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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How Do Stereotypes and Prejudice Affect Self-Esteem

Research Paper Instructions:

Topic: How do Stereotypes and Prejudice affect self-esteem
Part 1:
Step 1: Choose a topic (identify a question or problem worth investigating)
Step 2:Ask a Question (regarding the topic you chose)
Step 3: Research Existing Sources
-Compile a list of at least three relevant peer-reviewed journals; Use Merritt Library database (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Step 4: Formulate a hypothesis (educated guess)
Part 2:
Once you have completed these initial steps, you will begin to draft your essay. Your paper should include:
Title Page
Identify your topic, why you chose your topic, pose your question and hypothesis
Support Paragraph #1
Should include a summary of the article (why is this article relevant)
Be sure to cite your work as you reference the article
Support Paragraph #2
Should include a summary of the article
Be sure to cite your work as you reference the article
Support Paragraph #3
Should include a summary of the article
Be sure to cite your work as you reference the article
Summarize of your findings
Did the research support your hypothesis
Ideas for future research
Reference Page
Note: It is imperative that you cite your sources when reviewing each of your articles. Please see the OWL Purdue information page for assistance with citations and for how to create a reference page. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Note: Please use APA formatting (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., you can find more information regarding formatting, and reference page by viewing this PowerPoint from Owl Purdue
Please submit this document as a word document or PDF.
In order to gain full credit you must include a title page, introduction, summary of three peer-reviewed journals, cite your sources, create a reference page, and follow APA formatting. Please be cautious that you're citing your work so that there is no chance of plagiarism, if you use someone else word's without citing this can be viewed as academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
How Do Stereotypes and Prejudice Affect Self-Esteem Name Institutional Affiliation How Do Stereotypes and Prejudice Affect Self-Esteem Introduction Individuals with low self-esteem tend to portray more signs of stereotype and prejudice. Evidence from research shows that people are more likely to employ stereotypes when their self-esteem is threatened (Wolfe & Spencer, 1996). Bodenhausen (2005) defines stereotyping as a process where individuals judge others and respond to them predicated on their social categories such as ethnicity, sex or age. The hallmark of stereotyping is that individuals will treat people belonging to such categories as largely similar to any other people of the category. Scholars have found a link between stereotyping and prejudice, with traditional conceptualization defining stereotyping as both a case and consequence of prejudice (Kawakami, Dion, & Dovidio, 1998). In this paper, the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice will be discussed and how both can result in declined self-esteem. Bodenhausen (2005) provides the definition of stereotyping, factors influencing, impacts, and ways of circumventing stereotypic bias. The article includes aspects of individuation, which go beyond labeling one as belonging to a certain community. The author differentiates stereotyping and individuation by identifying that people tend to find a broader constellation of a person’s quality such as aggressiveness to have a reason to discriminate. Common causes of stereotyping include mood states such as happiness or anxiety where sadness reduces the chances of one to stereotype. Creating awareness about the dangers of stereotyping is the first step to stereotypes. The author also suggest that having cognitive and motivation capacity can reduce stereotyping since it requires more mental effort to stereotype (Bodenhausen, 2005). Bodenhausen (2005) article provides important contributions to understanding the differences between stereotyping and individuation and expounds further to include the impacts and ways to address the problem that often leads to reduced self-esteem. In an article examining the relationship between prejudice and the endorsement of cultural stereotype activation, Kawakami, Dion, and Dovidio (1998) examine the stereotype activation endorsement using a short pronunciation task and long stimulus onset asynchronies to trigger controlled and automatic processing. Results indicated that highly prejudiced group portrayed higher cultural stereo...
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