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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
3 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Listening Skills: Effective Public Speaking, Communication and Diversity in the Workplace

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper
Prepare a research paper on one of the topics below, or on a different topic of your choosing.  This papershould be 3 – 4pages in length, in strict APA format. If the length of the paper is less than 3 pages or exceeds 4 pages, points will be deducted. 
Research Paper Guidelines
For this assignment, you will write a research paper on communication skills.  The general nature of the paper is flexible, but it should relate to one or more of the topics that we discuss during the course.
Topics may include, but are not limited to*, the following: 
1.    Effective Public Speaking
2.    Communication and Diversity in the Workplace
3.    Listening Skills
4.    Communication and Work Relationships 
5.    Verbal and Nonverbal Skills
6.    Communication in Organizations
7.    Negotiation and Conflict Management 
8.    Communication Skills and Leadership
9.    Group Communication 
10. Communication and Interviewing Skills
When planning and writing your paper, remember to develop a strong, clear thesis statement, and then support it with research throughout the paper.The paper should utilize but at the same time go beyond what we covered throughout the session about communication skills in the workplace.  In this paper, your purpose is not merely to summarize literature.  Rather, you need to gather factual information, data and/or cases that you can find about the topic, and then support your thesis statement with your references.  This does not mean that you are required to gather new data. You may cite published books, peer-reviewed journal articles, research reports, government reports, reports from international organizations, cases or case study summaries, etc. that can help illustrate your points. You may not cite the course textbook (O’Hair, Friedrich, & Dixon, 2011) in your research paper, and you may not cite directly from a website unless the website ends in It’s fine for you to cite a research report or government publication that you found online, but you may not cite a non-peer-reviewed article, blog, or other publication that lacks rigor or research. The goal is for you to gather and read new, reputable sources, and to avoid citing sources that are not academic, factual, or research-based. 
The research paper will be comprised of the following criteria:
•Each report will follow the APA format typed and double-spaced utilizing one (1) inch margins and size twelve (12) font in Times New Roman or Arial.  
•   A title page as well as a reference section will be required and are not included in the length of the assigned papers.  The title page will include the assignment title, course number, your name and the date submitted.
•   An abstract is not required, but is welcome.  If you choose to include an abstract, it will not be included in the 3-4 page requirement of written text in the body of the paper. 
•   All pages are to be numbered accordingly.
•   You are expected to cite at least one new reference per each typed page.
•   You are expected to thoroughly proofread and edit your paper before submission.  If your paper has excessive spelling, grammatical, editing, and/or APA formatting errors, points will be deducted during the grading process. 
The course syllabus contains the grading rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure, and use of APA are without error or errors are rare and insignificant. 
The work is nearly free of logic errors and the writing develops coherently.  The writing is persuasive, arguments are well supported and internally consistent. 
Analysis explicitly uses principles from the text or other reputable sources for supporting evidence and follows a suitable framework to organize the analysis.  
Ethical issues central to the paper’s thesis are raised and confidently addressed.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Listening skills
Listening skills
Diversity is the order of the workplace, and an individual is expected to work with others harmoniously. Frequently, people encounter others they deem difficult to work with in the workplace. These people interrupt others rudely, or they do not appear to listen at all. They may be supervisors, co-workers or even supervisees. Despite many reasons why they seem difficult to work with, one of the primary reasons that scholars have attributed is the lack of communication, specifically the lack of effective listening skills. Researchers agree that effective listening skills are essential to the success of organizations (Hamilton 2008). They point out that the functioning of an organization requires teamwork and input of all individuals. Hence, excellent listening skills are paramount for the operation of any team in a firm.
According to Gulati, Mayo and Nohria 2013, a team refers to a collection of individuals who have a common purpose. In a team, the whole is valuable than the individual parts. Teams are increasingly becoming important in corporations and have become the building block for success. People work together cooperatively with common goals and accomplish the bigger and complex tasks that otherwise an individual cannot do. Being talented as a person is critical, but unless people work in a team, they cannot harness the potential in each other and will perform so much below their capacity. The key to an effective teamwork is listening.
Teamwork can be inhibited by conflicts that arise in the course of executing assignments. Individuals are bound to disagree on certain issues once in a while when they are undertaking their duties. While disagreements are sometimes healthy, they can cause disunity in a team. To avoid the adverse effects conflicts bring to a team, effective listening skills are essential. One should listen carefully to understand the problem before jumping to conclusions. According to Duwadi 2014, listening to the issue helps a person to identify the best way of dealing with the challenge. Staff members appreciate colleagues and superiors who listen to their problems. Where listening skills are poor, workers feel that they are not valued, and this escalates the conflict. Indeed, supervisors should recognize that conflicts are inevitable in teams hence the need to develop the ability to listen carefully to both sides.
Communication is vital for buildi...
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