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Organization Assessment Paper. Management Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Source: Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J.R., Jr., & Osborn, R. N. (2014). Organizational
behavior (13th ed.). NJ: John Wiley& Sons.

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Organizational Behavior at Under Armor, Inc
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Many institutions and organizations in the United States have people and employees from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Lenient immigration laws have allowed individuals from various continents to come to the US in search of better employment opportunities and the American dream. As a result, the aspect of organizational behavior has become an integral part of the society in efforts to enable the business organizations and institutions to perform optimally and effectively. Because of the increased diversity in almost all areas of the US, it has become important to embrace and appreciate different ways of dealing with people. Nonetheless, factors such as management and leadership styles, communication, power and politics, organizational culture and organizational structure and design have been identified as impediments to the study of organizational behavior. The research paper examines the factors above through the evaluation of Under Armor Inc.
Under Armor, Inc was established in 1996 by the American Kevin Plank in Baltimore, Maryland as a company that manufactures sports gears and casual wears. It has observed a steady and consistent revenue growth through the years, which has seen the company open international headquarters in London, Amsterdam, and Shanghai.
The armor’s mission statement is to innovate quality products that would make athletes better in the various disciplines. The company strives to create new designs regularly that would give all the athletes that wear their products the competitive edge.
Under Armors’ vision is to ensure that all athletes around the world have the proper sporting gears to compete. Athletes, especially in developing countries, are often forced to compete with low gears that put them at a competitive disadvantage from the onset.
Eight key values guide Under Armor operations. Firstly, Under Armor encourages athletes to perform to their full potential. Secondly, it stands for equality and unity among the athletes, despite racial or social differences. Thirdly, it advocates adversity fuel victory. Fourthly, it supports individuals who take the initiative to lead others. Fifthly, Under Armor strives to put their consumers first. Sixthly, the company supports complete honesty and the embracement of perfection in the midst of the imperfections. Seventhly, it advocates for athletes to use their talents to make the world a better place. Lastly, it encourages all victors to celebrate their wins and be proud of their success.
Under Armor, Inc intends to foster its global appeal and awareness and diversify its product portfolios in order to attract more women and youthful consumers.
Management and leadership style
Effective management and leadership within organizations are essential for the growth and development of not only the company but also the employees. Business executives and supervisors play an integral role in ensuring the success of their organizations through the proper application of the requisite leadership skills and competencies. Nonetheless, there are six management styles and techniques used by manage...
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