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8 pages/≈2200 words
5 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Indigenous Inequality in Canada: Then and Now

Research Paper Instructions:

Writer, please email me with any questions or concerns.
The final paper will be between 8-10 pages double-spaced in 12 pt Times New Roman Font. Please use APA format. Please bring all parts together to formulate a clear argument and opinion on your current sociological issue using a sociological concept we have discussed in class. Including the textbook (McMullin, J. and Curtis, J. (2017). Understanding social inequality: Intersections of class, age,
gender, ethnicity, and race in Canada (3rd ed.). Don Mills, Ont. ; New York: Oxford University
Press.), you must have at least five academic sources and additional non-academic sources are allowed.
Components of the paper should include:
- A background on the current sociological issue. How did you find it, why is it important, and what makes it a sociological issue?
- A clear understanding of the sociological concept we are learning in class through not just the textbook but other academic sources, including where the concept originated and examples of it other than your example (a brief literature review)
- A clear thesis statement that formulates what you are discussing in your paper.
Components of the paper that you may include if you wish:
- A comparative analysis between two different sociological issues

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Indigenous Inequality in Canada: Then and Now
Social inequality may be described as the existence of unmatched and imbalanced chances for different social positions or statuses for various people in a group or society. In a country where there are social inequalities, the citizens have unequal access to the benefits of society. This is completely different from a society which is based on equality, and every individual can play a role in the overall good and welfare of that society. Additionally, in such a society all individuals can gain from their participation in society.
Ordinarily, social inequity mainly occurs because of inter-social relations that inform discriminatory government statutes. The indigenous people of Canada are also referred to as the aboriginals, and they are the original inhabitants of the land that is now Canada. The aboriginals face many social problems in Canada which are related to unfair treatment and unequal sharing of the available opportunities. This paper will examine and describe the indigenous inequalities in Canada, evaluate how inequality is a sociological issue and will also outline and analyze some problems that were faced by the aboriginals in the past and those that are currently present.
Ordinarily, Canada is recognized to the world because Canadians are generally kind and the country has accepted people of all ethnicities. Although, the discrimination and unfairness against the indigenous Canadians suggest otherwise. Throughout history, numerous cases of discrimination towards the indigenous people have been reported, and this has promoted negative psychological, sociological and cultural effects towards the natives Canadians (McMullin & Curtis, 2017).
The aboriginal people of Canada are a small but influential community that reminds the Canadians about their ancient past and their present-day role and duties towards its first residents. It is important to note that Canada is a young nation as compared to countries and Canadians are similarly very new people. This is because most of current Canada's population came from the European immigrants who came in the eighteenth century or later (Parrott, 2007). Also, most of the historic Canadian towns are hardly over two hundred years old. Before the immigrants came to Canada, there were still individuals who were living there, the indigenous, also known as the aboriginal or the natives. The common three categories of the indigenous people in Canada are Inuit, Métis and First Nations.
Inequality as a Sociological Issue
The inequality of the indigenous Canadians is a sociological issue because it deals with the welfare of the original inhabitants of Canada. Social inequality is a field in sociology that pays attention to the issuance of the available goods and the possible burdens in the community. Sociologically, social inequality may be examined as a social issue that surrounds three aspects. These include structural conditions; it comprises of those issues that can be equitably calculated and that have a significant role in causing social inequity. The sociologists examine how some aspects such as power, wealth and poverty may promote social inequity among different groups of peopl...
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