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Renewable Energy Resources-Technical Approaches to Sustainable Development

Research Paper Instructions:

my topic is renewable energy resource. I want to mainly focus on biological fuel, solar energy and etc. Try to focus on technical issues of these apsects. The examples can be positive or negative. You don't need to do the title page. Just start with abstract section. If you have any futher questions, contact me Thanks. XD

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Renewable Energy Resources-Technical Approaches to Sustainable Development
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Renewable Energy Resource-Technical Approaches to Sustainable Development
Renewable energy resources, also known as clean energy originate from the natural procedures that are continually refilled. For instance, the wind or sunlight keeps on shinning even though their availability is highly dependent on weather and time. Furthermore, the world is becoming a universal village due to the increasing demand for energy. It should be taken into account that the necessity for energy and its correlated services has continued to increase in the last few years. Therefore, the use of renewable energy resources will help solve the problem of climate change and, at the same time, meet the goals of sustainability. Moreover, there are some other positive impacts like energy security, social-economic development, among others. Despite all these benefits, there are some challenges associated with renewable energy resources such as increased carbon emission, market failures, and limited raw materials needed for the future deployment of renewable resources. The implementation of renewable energy sources has been challenged by market prices, technological costs, and the political environment. However, through research, innovations, formulation of policies and regulations can promote renewable energy production while mitigating climate change and environmental pollution.
In the last few decades, conventional energy sources like natural gas coal, and oil have shown to be highly effective as far as economic growth and progress are concerned. However, due to their likelihood of future and current rapid depletion of conventional energy sources and environmental issues related to them, there is a need to produce environmentally friendly energy. Therefore, to ensure that the world's energy consumption aligns with sustainable goals (Ellabban et al., 2014). Furthermore, environmental protection concerns have increased, which has shifted energy production has shifted its technology into renewable energies. Due to these issues, it is now clear that energy consumption's future relies on technological advancement in renewable energy systems. Therefore, shifting from conventional to renewable energy sources will help humans lessen the release of greenhouse gases. Increasing the supply of renewable energy sources worldwide allows people to substitute carbon-intensive energy sources and reduce global warming significantly. For this reason, there is a need to focus on technical issues in renewable energy sources to maximize its future production while minimizing the impacts on human health and environmental degradation for future generations.
Literature Review
According to Liu et al. (2018), renewable energy has been regarded as new technology; however, it has long been used for lighting and heating. Furthermore, wind power has been used to powerboats and sail in the seas for centuries. Sun's energy has also been used to provide warmth during the day. For the last 500 years or so, the author has highlighted how the humans have turned into cheaper energy resources. Innovation has led to the deployment of l...
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