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Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Woolen Garments from the Middle Ages

Research Paper Instructions:

- Research on a historic period where the wearable piece (final look) references. Find 1 historic period that supports your current making and write 250 words with images. Is it referencing a bag from the 1800s? Does it have a context in rural Japanese mills for silk production techniques? 

- Find a garment that is made of wool in historical period

- Simple term of sentence

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Woolen Garments from the Middle Ages Student’s Name Course Professor Date My current making references woolen garments from the middle ages. During the period, wool production was done in private homes as well as home-based industries. The method used to make the woolen garments varied depending on the producer, but essentially, the processes of spinning, weaving and finishing the garments were similar. The process of preparing the wool for making the garments began by sorting. This process required the producers to spin the wool fibers from the outer layer of the fleece to create worsted yarn. The inner layer, which was softer was used to make a thicker yarn for warp threads. The wool was then washed with soap and water, dried in the sun and greased with olive oil for protection. Afterwards, the fibers of the wool were straightened using wooden combs which were made of several rows of teeth and a handle. The next process was spinning, which was commonly done by women during the middle ages. The women used a distaff as shown in figure 1. The women, commonly kno...
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