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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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SWOT Analysis of Xerox Corporation and Its Impacts on Business: Accounting, Finance, SPSS Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Do a SWOT analysis and explain how Covid-19 has impacted their personal relationship selling strategy. Use two outside sources. This analysis should be 3 to 5 pages in length.
Double spacing is allowed.
Do not explain what SWOT analysis is do a SWOT over the company.

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SWOT Analysis of Xerox Corporation and Its Impacts on Business
The 20th century saw Xerox rise to prominence after purchasing the first copier machine in 1959. Later in the 1970s, the technology advanced to the color copier, which led to massive revenues. Phadermrod et al. (195) opined that the advancement to digital photocopiers in the 1990s immensely improved its market share that saw stock price soar to $165 in 1999. Unfortunately, the dot-com crash hit, and the stock plummeted falling to as low as $10 per share. Since then, Xerox Corp has been struggling with its operations as offices become more digital. Covid 19 pandemic SWOT analysis helps managers plan and analyze the current situation of the company. The strengths (S), weakness (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) analysis of the business environment is an essential technique for the company to find potential organic revenue growth.
SWOT Analysis
The current unprecedented pandemic calls for Xerox to maintain its dominant position as a global business that offers printing services. Analysis of the company's progress requires interdepartmental cooperation whereby marketing, operations, strategic planning, and finance departments interact to facilitate these processes (Phadermrod et al. 214). Scrutiny of external and internal strategic factors helps managers develop effective strategies to assist in boosting sales. Xerox corporation strengths that help mitigate the effects of Covid 19 include a strong distribution network. A reliable distribution network enhances customer satisfaction because products reach potential clients timely and conveniently. Also, integration through merging and acquisition has effectively streamlined its operations by building a reliable supply chain and establishing successful track records of product innovations and effective strategies to boost sales and revenue. Intense customer satisfaction shows the company's dedication to offers high-quality products.
The weakness of Xerox Corporation is mostly internal strategic factors. The product range gaps in the company sales may offer loopholes for competitors in the market. The workforce's high attrition rate dictates that the company has to spend more on training and developing its employees; thus, it is a disadvantage compared to other companies in the industry (Khoshbakht et al. 168). Inadequate financial planning is visible in the current asset ratio and the liquid asset ratio, which indicates that the corporations are inefficient in cash spending. The financial reports on profitability ratio and the net contribution percentage suggest that the company is operating below the industry average. High inventory levels impact the long term growth of Xerox Company since more stock requires additional investment capital. Due to the inability to tackle emerging challenges like technological advancements, the corporation has lost colossal market share in specific niche categories.
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