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10 pages/≈2750 words
15 Sources
Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Guerrilla Girls - Art Activists

Research Paper Instructions:

A research paper on Guerrilla Girls
1. Introduction: detailed background including names, famous posters, and photographies, using secondary sources to introduce and contextualize.
2. Analysis: find two positive articles about Guerrilla Girls on the newspaper (one positive and on negative), compare and analyze them from the media or public perspective.
3. Observation: choose different posters, works or projects from the Guerrilla girls and analyze them. It's better if you include images and appendix.
4. Reflection: your reflection on the research, find a theme or question you want to leave your readers thinking about

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Student’s Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Guerrilla Girls Introduction Guerrilla girls form a group of art activists in America which was formed to bring attention to women artists and artists of the color in creating awareness on and protecting of women rights (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2017). The group was formed in 1985 at the MoMA exhibition which was strengthened by exposing the domination of the white male in the establishment of the art in the United States. The guerrilla girls raised a campaign against discriminatory practices on Hollywood which limited the art efforts of the women in America. The group aimed to enhance the art consciousness in the world which revolutionize the role of women in the work of art. The group played a major role in condemning unfair treatment and inequality among women in different institutions in the United States. This paper provides an analysis of the role played by the guerrilla girls in protecting the position of the women artists in the Hollywood and reflecting how the group has impacted American and global women in the field of art. Museum of the Modern Art in New York City held a large exhibition in 1985 which focused on presenting an International Survey of Painting and Sculptures. The exhibition included only 13 out of 169 women artists which indicated a high level of gender disparity in the art field. The turn up on the even and the lower number of women artists that showed in the exhibition raised a lot of question on the gender equity in the art industry focusing on how women can be empowered to participate in the artwork especially at the global level. Women have played a minimal role in advancing global artist due to the dominance of the male in the filed which outdoes their counterparts’ women effort. The issue on less participation of the women in the art was associated with the increasing issue of discriminatory practices in Hollywood which limited the role of women. This, therefore, resulted in the formation of the Guerrilla Girls movement which aimed at addressing such practices to enhance participation and the role of women in the art field. Generally, the roles of women in American society, as well as the entire world, have been less effective over the years. For instance, few women are known to participate in public activities or leadership with most of the vacancies being dominated by men. For example, the Guerrilla Girls collective released a statistic in their new poster in February 2019 indicating that only 24 percent of the entire United State senators are women with the rest 76 percent being male. However, the percentage of women participating in the politics have indicated significant improvement for the last 20 years with the number of women participants increasing from 9 percent in 1999 to 25 percent in 2019 (Jacolbe, 2019). Political and leadership participation of female has therefore indicated some diversity with the major impact of gender sensitiveness and equity being experienced in the past 10 years. However, the rate of women participation in Hollywood has remained static with little effort noted on the improvement of the state. In 1985, only 4 percent of women were participating as the directors of Hollywood. Up to date, the figures have remai...
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