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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
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Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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How Yayoi Kusama's Self-Reflexive Creativity Affects the Viewers

Research Paper Instructions:

Context: Aside from a brief artefact analysis exercise, due week 7, our remaining written assignments build towards a sustained research paper. This paper’s starting point is the syllabus: anything on the syllabus is fair game as an essay topic, and it is up to you to decide whether you want to focus on an object or on the discussion around it (for example, do you want to write about some aspect of Yayoi Kusama’s self-reflexive invention, or do you want to write about Mignon Nixon writing about Yayoi Kusama’s self-reflexive invention?)
Assignment: This assignment has two parts, each aimed at identifying and discussing potential directions for your research paper.
1) Topic discussion: Think about the options presented above and write 300 words about a possible term paper topic. Some of you will have started thinking about your paper’s direction during the completion of your syllabus annotation—this written brief will help you to develop one of the threads noted in the first assignment.
2) Annotated bibliography: Identify at least three sources (articles, etc.) that you will explore. For each source, give a bibliographic citation and then, in 2-4 sentences, comment on the source. Commentary can consist of noting its thesis, describing how it might contribute to your discussion and, most importantly, defining how it overlaps with and differs from your other sources.
Things to consider: Think of your paper as a conversation. If you know the book They Say/I Say, think of its the central principle. Essays are interventions into pre-existing conversations. Effective writers are cognisant of this and incorporate that awareness into their writing. Consider who among the authors we have read so far you might want to include, who among the authors we are going to read you might want to include, and what communities that aren’t included in the conversation you might want to add.
A tip: This assignment is an opportunity to front-load some of the key work for your final essay. Spend time identifying sources, images, and quotations that will help you structure your argument. Finally, think about how your sources will contribute to the conversation.
Length: 600 words plus sources and images

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Topic Discussion
Yayoi Kusama is a well-known Japanese artist famous for the large amount of work she has produced throughout her career. She has received a lot of attention for her varied body of work, including but not limited to painting, sculpture, video, performance, and installation. Kusama's work has been praised for its diversity. Her artwork has also been exhibited in various venues across the country. There has been a rise in interest in Yayoi Kusama's "infinite rooms" during the past few years. These large installations are meant to evoke a feeling of boundless space. The purpose of this study is to analyze how Kusama's self-reflexive creativity affects the experience of the viewer as well as how it links to the total body of work she has made.
The artwork of Yayoi Kusama is usually described as having a self-referential or self-reflective quality. Her pieces frequently contain meta statements or features that call attention to their underlying aesthetic merit. For instance, Yayoi Kusama's "Infinity Chambers" is more than just well-executed works in and of themselves. For example, they also serve as a metaphor for something more significant. In addition, the chambers are researching the process of appreciating the artistic medium and the fundamental nature of the artistic medium itself. Kusama accomplishes this purpose by attracting attention to the creative spirit of her sculptures. This is one of her primary motivations for designing the pieces. The ultimate aim is to motivate people to reflect on the world they live in.
Yayoi Kusama's self-referential innovations are fascinating, and this aspect of her work should be examined thoroughly. Mirrors and other reflective surfaces are strategically placed throughout her career, enabling the audience to have a fresh perspective on themselves due to the novel viewpoint she offers. Generally, Yayoi encourages people to define themselves when she chooses not to associate her artwork with any movement. Instead, she refers to her pieces as Kusama art.
Annotated Bibliography
Richardson, Jonathan. "Of the Sublime." Essays on Taste, trans. John Gilbert Cooper (1757; London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1811), pp. 1-34.
Any person interested in the topic should read the article because it is considered a classic dissertation on the sublime. The idea of catharsis derives from Aristotle and serves as the foundation for Richardson's description of the sublime. According to the author, the sublime is an issue of taste but not reason. This is one of the primary theses of his work. The article is critical to my research because it helps establish Richardson as a significant player in the history of the sublime and provides a starting point for understanding the sublime.<...
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