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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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Marketing Plan for

Research Paper Instructions:
Please focus only on this arena: 3.4 Marketing Strategy 3.4.1 Target Markets (location and size in population and $/year potential) 3.4.2 Positioning (innovative, traditional, exotic, fun, luxury, etc. relative to competition.) 3.4.3 Product Line (broad, narrow, deep, shallow, diversified, etc.) 3.4.4 Pricing (economy, luxury, skimming, penetration) 3.4.5 Distribution Strategy (retail, wholesale, online, direct mail, etc.) 3.4.6 Sales Force (recruiting, hiring, training, managing) 3.4.7 Service (assistance, sizing, advice, delivery, wrapping, etc.) 3.4.8 Advertising (TV, radio, print, web, events, etc.) 3.4.9 Sales Promotion (coupons, rebates, discounts, etc.) 3.5 Research Activities 3.5.2 Marketing Research (to improve understanding of buyer/consumer characteristics, In this class we use this book: ―Marketing, 10th Edition‖, Kerin, Hartley, & Rudelius,ISBN-13 9780073529936, McGraw Hill Higher Education 2011 but for the information reserch you are free.
Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Name of student: Marketing Plan For Amazon.Com. Marketing Strategy: Affiliate Marketing: supports a very useful plan called Affiliate Marketing. By using the Web Services of, various retailers and vendors will accept to attach links at various places in their websites to website. When a vendor lists his products on the website, he has an option of creating several links to those listings, for customers to preview. When somebody visits, the person who placed the link to the product will be given a certain amount of money, and on top of that he will be given an extra commission when the product is bought (Marketing Strategies of In the year 2009, decided to terminate pay per click commissions to their North American Associates for payment search traffic. Although that has happened, has not lost most of its Associates because they continue to utilize the Amazon Web Services. Later in August 19th 2006, came up with a store that allowed Associates to place a list of Amazon products within the Amazon website and also it allowed them to link those products from different sites. The success of this program is evident from the large number of Associates, almost reaching a million, who have joined with, and also, it is estimated that about forty per cent of their sales result from their sub-marketing programs, which are affiliated to them. Email Marketing is another crucial marketing strategy employed by to increase their market base. Companies dealing with money like need to have some form of security, both in terms of how customers will be paying for their products, and also on how they will be receiving their E-mails from to prevent fishing and scamming on their accounts. Permission marketing in, allows customers to give the company the right to send them email messages, which contain details of their products that are on promotion (Marketing Plan for Seth Godin, who is an online marketer, writes that, "By talking to only volunteers, Permission Marketing guarantees consumers to pay more attention to the marketing message.", and this method has a big following. Melvin Ram, who is a satisfied customer, writes on that, "Looking at the e-mails I`ve received from Amazon over the last two years, I did not find a single e-mail that was irrelevant to me. Every single one seemed like it was hand-picked for me based on my previous purchases." Target Markets (location and size in population and $/year potential): Target markets are the people who will buy goods and services. is the largest online retailer. It was opened in July 1995 by Jeff Bezos in Seattle. From that time up to today, has been enjoying massive expansion in all areas where it operates. Their business turnover has always been impressive. They have always been enjoying a massive rise in the share value, since the public floatation of their shares in 1997. acts as an informer and a seller to the on-line marketers. So far the customer base of is past 12 million people, and the customers spread in more than 160 coun...
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